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Execaimujr -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 130
World 34
Guild: Fairy Tail
Rank: 20
Achievements: 0
Points: 178
228,849,663 EP 21% 5,652,137 EP
Left For Level
If Execaimujr Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-4,576,993 -11,442,483 -22,884,966
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -4,576,993 -11,442,483

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-09-24 130 228,849,663 EP
+523,596 EP
2020-09-23 130 228,326,067 EP
+2,263 EP
2020-09-22 130 228,323,804 EP
0 EP
2020-09-21 130 228,323,804 EP
+55,082 EP
2020-09-20 130 228,268,722 EP
+13,945 EP
2020-09-19 130 228,254,777 EP
+22,685 EP
2020-09-18 130 228,232,092 EP
+52,639 EP
2020-09-17 130 228,179,453 EP
+84,460 EP
2020-09-16 130 228,094,993 EP
+67,356 EP
2020-09-15 130 228,027,637 EP
+87,853 EP
2020-09-14 130 227,939,784 EP
+364,885 EP
2020-09-13 130 227,574,899 EP
+27,617 EP
2020-09-12 130 227,547,282 EP
+338,094 EP
2020-09-11 129 227,209,188 EP
+144,599 EP
2020-09-10 129 227,064,589 EP
+7,762 EP
2020-09-09 129 227,056,827 EP
+29,794 EP
2020-09-08 129 227,027,033 EP
+459,598 EP
2020-09-07 129 226,567,435 EP
+489,411 EP
2020-09-06 129 226,078,024 EP
+15,624 EP
2020-09-05 129 226,062,400 EP
+5,051 EP
2020-09-04 129 226,057,349 EP
+18,122 EP
2020-09-03 129 226,039,227 EP
+55,944 EP
2020-09-02 129 225,983,283 EP
0 EP
2020-09-01 129 225,983,283 EP
+22,120 EP
2020-08-31 129 225,961,163 EP
+153,815 EP
2020-08-30 129 225,807,348 EP
+59,092 EP
2020-08-29 129 225,748,256 EP
+60,926 EP
2020-08-28 129 225,687,330 EP
+107,632 EP
2020-08-27 129 225,579,698 EP
+191,985 EP
2020-08-26 129 225,387,713 EP
+326,999 EP
2020-08-25 129 225,060,714 EP
+735,533 EP
2020-08-24 129 224,325,181 EP
+637,412 EP
2020-08-23 129 223,687,769 EP
+1,453,316 EP
2020-08-22 129 222,234,453 EP
+863,289 EP
2020-08-21 129 221,371,164 EP
+268,296 EP
2020-08-20 129 221,102,868 EP
+1,671,657 EP
2020-08-19 128 219,431,211 EP
+596,460 EP
2020-08-18 128 218,834,751 EP
+18,006 EP
2020-08-17 128 218,816,745 EP
+875,112 EP
2020-08-16 128 217,941,633 EP
0 EP
Total 40 Day(s): 10,908,030 EP

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