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KingEagle -
Compare KingEagle with:
PvP Rank: 7
Quota: 20
Level 151
World 11
Guild: The Master
Rank: 100
Achievements: 38
Points: 407
426,085,289 EP 85% 1,623,721 EP
Left For Level
If KingEagle Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-8,521,706 -21,304,264 -42,608,529
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -8,521,706 -21,304,264

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2025-03-14 151 426,085,289 EP
+1,148,247 EP
2025-03-13 151 424,937,042 EP
+1,178,124 EP
2025-03-12 151 423,758,918 EP
+1,353,296 EP
2025-03-11 151 422,405,622 EP
+1,170,332 EP
2025-03-10 151 421,235,290 EP
+173,928 EP
2025-03-09 151 421,061,362 EP
+1,113,640 EP
2025-03-08 151 419,947,722 EP
+779,831 EP
2025-03-07 151 419,167,891 EP
+285,328 EP
2025-03-06 151 418,882,563 EP
+1,148,001 EP
2025-03-05 151 417,734,562 EP
+1,186,800 EP
2025-03-04 151 416,547,762 EP
+1,448,223 EP
2025-03-03 150 415,099,539 EP
+2,288,281 EP
2025-03-02 150 412,811,258 EP
+2,029,699 EP
2025-03-01 150 410,781,559 EP
+1,498,993 EP
2025-02-28 150 409,282,566 EP
+1,701,763 EP
2025-02-27 150 407,580,803 EP
+994,617 EP
2025-02-26 150 406,586,186 EP
+704,837 EP
2025-02-25 150 405,881,349 EP
+912,354 EP
2025-02-24 149 404,968,995 EP
+1,040,990 EP
2025-02-23 149 403,928,005 EP
+746,935 EP
2025-02-22 149 403,181,070 EP
+763,886 EP
2025-02-21 149 402,417,184 EP
+817,493 EP
2025-02-20 149 401,599,691 EP
+961,902 EP
2025-02-19 149 400,637,789 EP
+815,145 EP
2025-02-18 149 399,822,644 EP
+862,396 EP
2025-02-17 149 398,960,248 EP
+876,905 EP
2025-02-16 149 398,083,343 EP
+802,426 EP
2025-02-15 149 397,280,917 EP
+829,051 EP
2025-02-14 149 396,451,866 EP
+827,451 EP
2025-02-13 149 395,624,415 EP
+890,675 EP
2025-02-12 149 394,733,740 EP
+835,708 EP
2025-02-11 148 393,898,032 EP
+835,233 EP
2025-02-10 148 393,062,799 EP
+1,039,814 EP
2025-02-09 148 392,022,985 EP
+867,695 EP
2025-02-08 148 391,155,290 EP
+834,529 EP
2025-02-07 148 390,320,761 EP
+1,087,035 EP
2025-02-06 148 389,233,726 EP
+947,657 EP
2025-02-05 148 388,286,069 EP
+875,386 EP
2025-02-04 148 387,410,683 EP
+862,708 EP
2025-02-03 148 386,547,975 EP
+957,473 EP
2025-02-02 148 385,590,502 EP
+810,996 EP
2025-02-01 148 384,779,506 EP
+1,571,938 EP
2025-01-31 147 383,207,568 EP
+970,483 EP
2025-01-30 147 382,237,085 EP
+899,686 EP
2025-01-29 147 381,337,399 EP
+1,020,816 EP
2025-01-28 147 380,316,583 EP
+698,174 EP
2025-01-27 147 379,618,409 EP
+856,861 EP
2025-01-26 147 378,761,548 EP
+1,047,021 EP
2025-01-25 147 377,714,527 EP
+1,514,372 EP
2025-01-24 147 376,200,155 EP
+813,760 EP
2025-01-23 147 375,386,395 EP
+979,308 EP
2025-01-22 147 374,407,087 EP
+857,139 EP
2025-01-21 146 373,549,948 EP
+503,195 EP
2025-01-20 146 373,046,753 EP
+560,471 EP
2025-01-19 146 372,486,282 EP
+713,465 EP
2025-01-18 146 371,772,817 EP
+983,400 EP
2025-01-17 146 370,789,417 EP
+857,239 EP
2025-01-16 146 369,932,178 EP
+854,796 EP
2025-01-15 146 369,077,382 EP
+848,287 EP
2025-01-14 146 368,229,095 EP
+822,469 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 58,678,663 EP

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