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Babylisa -
Compare Babylisa with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 168
World 32
Guild: Haoxiangni
Rank: 6
Achievements: 0
Points: 289
648,375,946 EP 49% 7,808,814 EP
Left For Level
If Babylisa Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-12,967,519 -32,418,797 -64,837,595
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -12,967,519 -32,418,797

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2022-02-25 168 648,375,946 EP
+1,296,577 EP
2022-02-24 168 647,079,369 EP
+1,892,214 EP
2022-02-23 168 645,187,155 EP
+3,314,196 EP
2022-02-22 168 641,872,959 EP
+2,773,855 EP
2022-02-21 167 639,099,104 EP
+2,630,888 EP
2022-02-20 167 636,468,216 EP
+2,489,910 EP
2022-02-19 167 633,978,306 EP
+4,345,121 EP
2022-02-18 167 629,633,185 EP
+1,697,693 EP
2022-02-17 167 627,935,492 EP
+2,180,184 EP
2022-02-16 167 625,755,308 EP
+3,053,942 EP
2022-02-15 166 622,701,366 EP
+2,588,708 EP
2022-02-14 166 620,112,658 EP
+3,399,451 EP
2022-02-13 166 616,713,207 EP
+1,194,655 EP
2022-02-12 166 615,518,552 EP
+4,137,630 EP
2022-02-11 166 611,380,922 EP
+2,866,195 EP
2022-02-10 165 608,514,727 EP
+2,649,594 EP
2022-02-09 165 605,865,133 EP
+1,738,740 EP
2022-02-08 165 604,126,393 EP
+1,903,216 EP
2022-02-07 165 602,223,177 EP
+430,718 EP
2022-02-06 165 601,792,459 EP
+909,039 EP
2022-02-05 165 600,883,420 EP
+1,634,410 EP
2022-02-04 165 599,249,010 EP
+1,784,361 EP
2022-02-03 165 597,464,649 EP
+2,391,708 EP
2022-02-02 164 595,072,941 EP
+2,499,899 EP
2022-02-01 164 592,573,042 EP
+2,108,528 EP
2022-01-31 164 590,464,514 EP
+1,704,537 EP
2022-01-30 164 588,759,977 EP
+3,897,658 EP
2022-01-29 164 584,862,319 EP
0 EP
Total 28 Day(s): 63,513,627 EP

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