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Froz -
Compare Froz with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 88
World 35
Guild: Alchemy
Rank: 31
Achievements: 0
Points: 110
48,231,647 EP 69% 678,313 EP
Left For Level
If Froz Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-964,633 -2,411,582 -4,823,165
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -964,633 -2,411,582

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-04-12 88 48,231,647 EP
0 EP
2021-04-11 88 48,231,647 EP
0 EP
2021-04-06 87 45,989,228 EP
0 EP
2021-03-31 87 44,760,102 EP
0 EP
2021-03-30 87 44,760,102 EP
0 EP
2021-03-29 87 44,760,102 EP
0 EP
2021-03-28 87 44,760,102 EP
+114,435 EP
2021-03-27 87 44,645,667 EP
0 EP
2021-03-23 86 44,082,907 EP
0 EP
2021-03-22 86 44,082,907 EP
+184,023 EP
2021-03-21 86 43,898,884 EP
+112,840 EP
2021-03-20 86 43,786,044 EP
0 EP
2021-03-19 86 43,786,044 EP
+247,502 EP
2021-03-18 86 43,538,542 EP
+837,889 EP
2021-03-17 86 42,700,653 EP
0 EP
2021-03-15 85 41,285,241 EP
0 EP
2021-03-14 85 41,285,241 EP
+465,896 EP
2021-03-13 85 40,819,345 EP
+34,884 EP
2021-03-12 85 40,784,461 EP
+608,888 EP
2021-03-11 84 40,175,573 EP
+43,850 EP
2021-03-10 84 40,131,723 EP
+811,375 EP
2021-03-09 84 39,320,348 EP
+500,944 EP
2021-03-08 84 38,819,404 EP
+490,854 EP
2021-03-07 83 38,328,550 EP
+698,575 EP
2021-03-06 83 37,629,975 EP
0 EP
2021-03-05 83 37,629,975 EP
+437,248 EP
2021-03-04 83 37,192,727 EP
+757,886 EP
2021-03-03 82 36,434,841 EP
+540,991 EP
2021-03-02 82 35,893,850 EP
+600,394 EP
2021-03-01 82 35,293,456 EP
+1,164,968 EP
2021-02-28 81 34,128,488 EP
+1,174,777 EP
2021-02-27 80 32,953,711 EP
+555,021 EP
2021-02-26 80 32,398,690 EP
+1,554,215 EP
2021-02-25 79 30,844,475 EP
-716,010 EP
2021-02-24 79 31,560,485 EP
+933,936 EP
2021-02-23 79 30,626,549 EP
+914,374 EP
2021-02-22 78 29,712,175 EP
+898,155 EP
2021-02-21 78 28,814,020 EP
+871,709 EP
2021-02-20 77 27,942,311 EP
+801,190 EP
2021-02-19 77 27,141,121 EP
+824,464 EP
2021-02-18 76 26,316,657 EP
+59,408 EP
2021-02-17 76 26,257,249 EP
+339,301 EP
2021-02-16 76 25,917,948 EP
+536,654 EP
2021-02-15 75 25,381,294 EP
0 EP
2021-02-13 73 22,842,542 EP
0 EP
2021-02-12 73 22,842,542 EP
0 EP
Total 46 Day(s): 17,400,636 EP

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