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Beegreen -
Compare Beegreen with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 49
World 35
Guild: The Green
Rank: 40
Achievements: 0
Points: 76
4,474,814 EP 57% 155,196 EP
Left For Level
If Beegreen Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-89,496 -223,741 -447,481
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -89,496 -223,741

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-06-15 49 4,474,814 EP
0 EP
2020-06-14 49 4,474,814 EP
0 EP
2020-06-13 49 4,474,814 EP
+2,415 EP
2020-06-12 49 4,472,399 EP
+8,979 EP
2020-06-11 49 4,463,420 EP
0 EP
2020-06-10 49 4,463,420 EP
+2,415 EP
2020-06-09 49 4,461,005 EP
+6,126 EP
2020-06-08 49 4,454,879 EP
-471,891 EP
2020-06-07 49 4,926,770 EP
0 EP
2020-06-06 49 4,926,770 EP
0 EP
2020-06-05 49 4,926,770 EP
0 EP
2020-06-04 49 4,926,770 EP
0 EP
2020-06-03 49 4,926,770 EP
-535,299 EP
2020-06-02 49 5,462,069 EP
+112,388 EP
2020-06-01 49 5,349,681 EP
0 EP
2020-05-31 49 5,349,681 EP
+5,418 EP
2020-05-30 49 5,344,263 EP
+159,539 EP
2020-05-29 49 5,184,724 EP
+7,925 EP
2020-05-28 49 5,176,799 EP
+7,131 EP
2020-05-27 49 5,169,668 EP
+30,217 EP
2020-05-26 49 5,139,451 EP
+31,104 EP
2020-05-25 49 5,108,347 EP
+2,646 EP
2020-05-24 49 5,105,701 EP
+378 EP
2020-05-23 49 5,105,323 EP
+2,492 EP
2020-05-22 49 5,102,831 EP
+5,695 EP
2020-05-21 49 5,097,136 EP
0 EP
2020-05-20 49 5,097,136 EP
+6,099 EP
2020-05-19 49 5,091,037 EP
0 EP
2020-05-18 49 5,091,037 EP
0 EP
2020-05-17 49 5,091,037 EP
+152,692 EP
2020-05-16 49 4,938,345 EP
+145,330 EP
2020-05-15 49 4,793,015 EP
+871,662 EP
2020-05-14 48 3,921,353 EP
+805,380 EP
2020-05-13 45 3,115,973 EP
+401,411 EP
2020-05-12 43 2,714,562 EP
+174,676 EP
2020-05-11 43 2,539,886 EP
+207,112 EP
2020-05-10 42 2,332,774 EP
+71,859 EP
2020-05-09 42 2,260,915 EP
+215,303 EP
2020-05-08 41 2,045,612 EP
+202,518 EP
2020-05-07 40 1,843,094 EP
+207,229 EP
2020-05-06 38 1,635,865 EP
+129,452 EP
2020-05-05 38 1,506,413 EP
+132,582 EP
2020-05-04 37 1,373,831 EP
+372,825 EP
2020-05-03 34 1,001,006 EP
+156,516 EP
2020-05-02 33 844,490 EP
+396,602 EP
2020-05-01 28 447,888 EP
+294,400 EP
2020-04-30 22 153,488 EP
0 EP
Total 47 Day(s): 4,321,326 EP

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