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PvP Rank: 0
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Level 176
World 32
Guild: W B B
Rank: 5
Achievements: 0
Points: 215
780,731,325 EP 43% 10,060,435 EP
Left For Level
If Mixmental Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-15,614,627 -39,036,566 -78,073,133
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -15,614,627 -39,036,566

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-06-26 176 780,731,325 EP
+109,998 EP
2020-06-25 176 780,621,327 EP
+2,683,908 EP
2020-06-24 176 777,937,419 EP
+4,022,276 EP
2020-06-23 176 773,915,143 EP
+3,141,393 EP
2020-06-22 175 770,773,750 EP
+2,584,050 EP
2020-06-21 175 768,189,700 EP
+3,088,612 EP
2020-06-20 175 765,101,088 EP
+2,651,735 EP
2020-06-19 175 762,449,353 EP
+3,078,851 EP
2020-06-18 175 759,370,502 EP
+2,580,898 EP
2020-06-17 175 756,789,604 EP
+1,079,352 EP
2020-06-16 175 755,710,252 EP
+1,294,130 EP
2020-06-15 174 754,416,122 EP
+907,886 EP
2020-06-14 174 753,508,236 EP
+893,987 EP
2020-06-13 174 752,614,249 EP
+1,107,278 EP
2020-06-12 174 751,506,971 EP
+634,022 EP
2020-06-11 174 750,872,949 EP
+875,498 EP
2020-06-10 174 749,997,451 EP
+1,071,631 EP
2020-06-09 174 748,925,820 EP
+1,111,347 EP
2020-06-08 174 747,814,473 EP
+1,108,493 EP
2020-06-07 174 746,705,980 EP
+531,553 EP
2020-06-06 174 746,174,427 EP
+1,161,700 EP
2020-06-05 174 745,012,727 EP
+316,038 EP
2020-06-04 174 744,696,689 EP
+845,466 EP
2020-06-03 174 743,851,223 EP
+895,684 EP
2020-06-02 174 742,955,539 EP
+1,104,304 EP
2020-06-01 174 741,851,235 EP
+1,137,367 EP
2020-05-31 174 740,713,868 EP
+830,865 EP
2020-05-30 174 739,883,003 EP
+1,119,976 EP
2020-05-29 174 738,763,027 EP
+762,561 EP
2020-05-28 173 738,000,466 EP
+1,328,503 EP
2020-05-27 173 736,671,963 EP
+629,970 EP
2020-05-26 173 736,041,993 EP
+1,323,964 EP
2020-05-25 173 734,718,029 EP
+492,951 EP
2020-05-24 173 734,225,078 EP
+1,214,217 EP
2020-05-23 173 733,010,861 EP
+953,096 EP
2020-05-22 173 732,057,765 EP
+988,659 EP
2020-05-21 173 731,069,106 EP
+2,378,532 EP
2020-05-20 173 728,690,574 EP
+1,458,347 EP
2020-05-19 173 727,232,227 EP
+2,971,558 EP
2020-05-18 173 724,260,669 EP
+3,265,724 EP
2020-05-17 172 720,994,945 EP
+3,630,165 EP
2020-05-16 172 717,364,780 EP
+2,978,430 EP
2020-05-15 172 714,386,350 EP
+3,743,066 EP
2020-05-14 172 710,643,284 EP
+2,607,270 EP
2020-05-13 172 708,036,014 EP
0 EP
Total 45 Day(s): 72,695,311 EP

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