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Msgrid -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 200
World 9
Guild: G O Dx
Rank: 10
Achievements: 0
Points: 271
1,300,561,248 EP 24% 19,805,752 EP
Left For Level
If Msgrid Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-26,011,225 -65,028,062 -130,056,125
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -26,011,225 -65,028,062

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-07-03 200 1,300,561,248 EP
+902,937 EP
2021-07-02 200 1,299,658,311 EP
+1,989,740 EP
2021-07-01 200 1,297,668,571 EP
+1,839,947 EP
2021-06-30 200 1,295,828,624 EP
+2,200,039 EP
2021-06-29 199 1,293,628,585 EP
+2,064,256 EP
2021-06-28 199 1,291,564,329 EP
+2,579,265 EP
2021-06-27 199 1,288,985,064 EP
+10,229,602 EP
2021-06-26 199 1,278,755,462 EP
+7,612,431 EP
2021-06-25 199 1,271,143,031 EP
+8,986,511 EP
2021-06-24 198 1,262,156,520 EP
+2,092,085 EP
2021-06-23 198 1,260,064,435 EP
+2,185,111 EP
2021-06-22 198 1,257,879,324 EP
+1,900,018 EP
2021-06-21 198 1,255,979,306 EP
+2,147,911 EP
2021-06-20 198 1,253,831,395 EP
+2,086,729 EP
2021-06-19 198 1,251,744,666 EP
+1,468,398 EP
2021-06-18 198 1,250,276,268 EP
+1,799,254 EP
2021-06-17 198 1,248,477,014 EP
+1,377,843 EP
2021-06-16 198 1,247,099,171 EP
+1,860,595 EP
2021-06-15 198 1,245,238,576 EP
+1,611,329 EP
2021-06-14 198 1,243,627,247 EP
+2,287,044 EP
2021-06-13 197 1,241,340,203 EP
+2,264,702 EP
2021-06-12 197 1,239,075,501 EP
+2,137,657 EP
2021-06-11 197 1,236,937,844 EP
+2,388,139 EP
2021-06-10 197 1,234,549,705 EP
+1,196,790 EP
2021-06-09 197 1,233,352,915 EP
+3,044,758 EP
2021-06-08 197 1,230,308,157 EP
+1,378,716 EP
2021-06-07 197 1,228,929,441 EP
+2,103,588 EP
2021-06-06 197 1,226,825,853 EP
+1,342,177 EP
2021-06-05 197 1,225,483,676 EP
+2,375,986 EP
2021-06-04 197 1,223,107,690 EP
+1,987,780 EP
2021-06-03 197 1,221,119,910 EP
+1,338,387 EP
2021-06-02 197 1,219,781,523 EP
+1,860,457 EP
2021-06-01 197 1,217,921,066 EP
+2,406,078 EP
2021-05-31 196 1,215,514,988 EP
+2,293,997 EP
2021-05-30 196 1,213,220,991 EP
+2,308,266 EP
2021-05-29 196 1,210,912,725 EP
+2,110,638 EP
2021-05-28 196 1,208,802,087 EP
+2,409,771 EP
2021-05-27 196 1,206,392,316 EP
+2,226,696 EP
2021-05-26 196 1,204,165,620 EP
+2,098,138 EP
2021-05-25 196 1,202,067,482 EP
+3,088,988 EP
2021-05-24 196 1,198,978,494 EP
+2,639,213 EP
2021-05-23 196 1,196,339,281 EP
+1,844,013 EP
2021-05-22 196 1,194,495,268 EP
0 EP
Total 43 Day(s): 106,065,980 EP

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