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Ecstasyy -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 197
World 9
Guild: Lost Lake
Rank: 17
Achievements: 0
Points: 322
1,238,200,494 EP 81% 4,528,696 EP
Left For Level
If Ecstasyy Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-24,764,010 -61,910,025 -123,820,049
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -24,764,010 -61,910,025

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-06-16 197 1,238,200,494 EP
0 EP
2021-06-15 197 1,238,200,494 EP
0 EP
2021-06-14 197 1,238,200,494 EP
+1,100,149 EP
2021-06-13 197 1,237,100,345 EP
+976,317 EP
2021-06-12 197 1,236,124,028 EP
+224,689 EP
2021-06-11 197 1,235,899,339 EP
+870,773 EP
2021-06-10 197 1,235,028,566 EP
+1,146,588 EP
2021-06-09 197 1,233,881,978 EP
0 EP
2021-06-08 197 1,233,881,978 EP
+1,663,089 EP
2021-06-07 197 1,232,218,889 EP
+1,636,867 EP
2021-06-06 197 1,230,582,022 EP
+571,456 EP
2021-06-05 197 1,230,010,566 EP
+1,098,118 EP
2021-06-04 197 1,228,912,448 EP
+1,122,132 EP
2021-06-03 197 1,227,790,316 EP
+1,090,803 EP
2021-06-02 197 1,226,699,513 EP
+1,111,464 EP
2021-06-01 197 1,225,588,049 EP
+1,110,592 EP
2021-05-31 197 1,224,477,457 EP
+909,716 EP
2021-05-30 197 1,223,567,741 EP
+1,105,415 EP
2021-05-29 197 1,222,462,326 EP
+101,157 EP
2021-05-28 197 1,222,361,169 EP
+1,123,668 EP
2021-05-27 197 1,221,237,501 EP
+1,104,797 EP
2021-05-26 197 1,220,132,704 EP
+1,068,260 EP
2021-05-25 197 1,219,064,444 EP
+1,423,637 EP
2021-05-24 197 1,217,640,807 EP
+1,664,204 EP
2021-05-23 196 1,215,976,603 EP
+1,166,146 EP
2021-05-22 196 1,214,810,457 EP
+1,074,706 EP
2021-05-21 196 1,213,735,751 EP
+980,864 EP
2021-05-20 196 1,212,754,887 EP
+1,427,939 EP
2021-05-19 196 1,211,326,948 EP
+409,677 EP
2021-05-18 196 1,210,917,271 EP
+1,590,951 EP
2021-05-17 196 1,209,326,320 EP
+843,839 EP
2021-05-16 196 1,208,482,481 EP
+288,075 EP
2021-05-15 196 1,208,194,406 EP
+3,638 EP
2021-05-14 196 1,208,190,768 EP
+717,058 EP
2021-05-13 196 1,207,473,710 EP
+1,119,189 EP
2021-05-12 196 1,206,354,521 EP
+2,096,605 EP
2021-05-11 196 1,204,257,916 EP
+1,449,007 EP
2021-05-10 196 1,202,808,909 EP
+1,073,651 EP
2021-05-09 196 1,201,735,258 EP
+1,116,674 EP
2021-05-08 196 1,200,618,584 EP
+451,882 EP
2021-05-07 196 1,200,166,702 EP
+709,919 EP
2021-05-06 196 1,199,456,783 EP
+1,443,110 EP
2021-05-05 196 1,198,013,673 EP
+1,486,631 EP
2021-05-04 196 1,196,527,042 EP
+1,041,862 EP
2021-05-03 196 1,195,485,180 EP
+886,954 EP
2021-05-02 196 1,194,598,226 EP
+11,828,543 EP
2021-05-01 195 1,182,769,683 EP
+3,660,905 EP
2021-04-30 195 1,179,108,778 EP
0 EP
Total 48 Day(s): 59,091,716 EP

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