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Forasteiro -
Compare Forasteiro with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 71
World 39
Guild: Game Over
Rank: 6
Achievements: 0
Points: 52
19,548,059 EP 5% 1,078,151 EP
Left For Level
If Forasteiro Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-390,961 -977,403 -1,954,806
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -390,961 -977,403

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2024-07-09 71 19,548,059 EP
+6,045 EP
2024-07-08 71 19,542,014 EP
+103,167 EP
2024-07-07 70 19,438,847 EP
+4,340 EP
2024-07-06 70 19,434,507 EP
0 EP
2024-07-05 70 19,434,507 EP
+6,045 EP
2024-07-04 70 19,428,462 EP
+6,045 EP
2024-07-03 70 19,422,417 EP
+6,045 EP
2024-07-02 70 19,416,372 EP
+6,045 EP
2024-07-01 70 19,410,327 EP
+4,099 EP
2024-06-30 70 19,406,228 EP
0 EP
2024-06-29 70 19,406,228 EP
+6,915 EP
2024-06-28 70 19,399,313 EP
+896,993 EP
2024-06-27 70 18,502,320 EP
+6,285 EP
2024-06-26 70 18,496,035 EP
+96,787 EP
2024-06-25 70 18,399,248 EP
+653,050 EP
2024-06-24 69 17,746,198 EP
0 EP
2024-06-23 69 17,746,198 EP
+240,493 EP
2024-06-22 69 17,505,705 EP
+165,244 EP
2024-06-21 69 17,340,461 EP
+635,636 EP
2024-06-20 68 16,704,825 EP
+242,574 EP
2024-06-19 68 16,462,251 EP
+1,017,959 EP
2024-06-18 67 15,444,292 EP
+682,606 EP
2024-06-17 66 14,761,686 EP
+346,098 EP
2024-06-16 65 14,415,588 EP
+533,225 EP
2024-06-15 65 13,882,363 EP
+731,796 EP
2024-06-14 64 13,150,567 EP
+269,659 EP
2024-06-13 64 12,880,908 EP
+334,706 EP
2024-06-12 63 12,546,202 EP
+700,516 EP
2024-06-11 62 11,845,686 EP
+1,203,245 EP
2024-06-10 61 10,642,441 EP
+1,161,556 EP
2024-06-09 59 9,480,885 EP
+109,391 EP
2024-06-08 59 9,371,494 EP
+123,191 EP
2024-06-07 59 9,248,303 EP
+685,510 EP
2024-06-06 58 8,562,793 EP
+353,454 EP
2024-06-05 57 8,209,339 EP
+1,139,515 EP
2024-06-04 55 7,069,824 EP
0 EP
Total 36 Day(s): 12,478,235 EP

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