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Nxmykaa -
Compare Nxmykaa with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 217
World 9
Guild: Lost Lake
Rank: 17
Achievements: 0
Points: 253
1,824,050,862 EP 78% 7,162,228 EP
Left For Level
If Nxmykaa Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-36,481,017 -91,202,543 -182,405,086
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -36,481,017 -91,202,543

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-09-22 217 1,824,050,862 EP
+63,008 EP
2021-09-21 217 1,823,987,854 EP
+3,006 EP
2021-09-20 217 1,823,984,848 EP
+637 EP
2021-09-19 217 1,823,984,211 EP
+495,302 EP
2021-09-18 217 1,823,488,909 EP
+531,034 EP
2021-09-17 217 1,822,957,875 EP
0 EP
2021-09-16 217 1,822,957,875 EP
+4,761 EP
2021-09-15 217 1,822,953,114 EP
+182,804 EP
2021-09-14 217 1,822,770,310 EP
+438,561 EP
2021-09-13 217 1,822,331,749 EP
+87,172 EP
2021-09-12 217 1,822,244,577 EP
+149,497 EP
2021-09-11 217 1,822,095,080 EP
+543,184 EP
2021-09-10 217 1,821,551,896 EP
+755,124 EP
2021-09-09 217 1,820,796,772 EP
+486,665 EP
2021-09-08 217 1,820,310,107 EP
+4,116 EP
2021-09-07 217 1,820,305,991 EP
+827,275 EP
2021-09-06 217 1,819,478,716 EP
+277,312 EP
2021-09-05 217 1,819,201,404 EP
+220,858 EP
2021-09-04 217 1,818,980,546 EP
0 EP
2021-09-03 217 1,818,980,546 EP
+494,644 EP
2021-09-02 217 1,818,485,902 EP
+793,291 EP
2021-09-01 217 1,817,692,611 EP
+80,153 EP
2021-08-31 217 1,817,612,458 EP
+227,463 EP
2021-08-30 217 1,817,384,995 EP
+350,109 EP
2021-08-29 217 1,817,034,886 EP
+1,030,877 EP
2021-08-28 217 1,816,004,009 EP
+200,554 EP
2021-08-27 217 1,815,803,455 EP
+635,516 EP
2021-08-26 217 1,815,167,939 EP
+49,311 EP
2021-08-25 217 1,815,118,628 EP
+500,727 EP
2021-08-24 217 1,814,617,901 EP
+13,244 EP
2021-08-23 217 1,814,604,657 EP
+154,798 EP
2021-08-22 217 1,814,449,859 EP
+142,328 EP
2021-08-21 217 1,814,307,531 EP
0 EP
Total 33 Day(s): 9,743,331 EP

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