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Ogardos -
Compare Ogardos with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 219
World 15
Guild: K O B O Y
Rank: 22
Achievements: 0
Points: 301
1,867,002,646 EP 4% 32,812,864 EP
Left For Level
If Ogardos Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-37,340,053 -93,350,132 -186,700,265
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -37,340,053 -93,350,132

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2024-09-29 219 1,867,002,646 EP
+1,856,677 EP
2024-09-28 218 1,865,145,969 EP
+2,850,250 EP
2024-09-27 218 1,862,295,719 EP
+3,299,785 EP
2024-09-26 218 1,858,995,934 EP
+3,230,349 EP
2024-09-25 218 1,855,765,585 EP
+3,280,593 EP
2024-09-24 218 1,852,484,992 EP
+846,049 EP
2024-09-23 218 1,851,638,943 EP
+3,266,792 EP
2024-09-22 218 1,848,372,151 EP
+2,744,415 EP
2024-09-21 218 1,845,627,736 EP
+2,963,517 EP
2024-09-20 218 1,842,664,219 EP
+3,268,313 EP
2024-09-19 218 1,839,395,906 EP
+3,200,097 EP
2024-09-18 218 1,836,195,809 EP
+3,277,925 EP
2024-09-17 218 1,832,917,884 EP
+3,248,418 EP
2024-09-16 217 1,829,669,466 EP
+3,204,384 EP
2024-09-15 217 1,826,465,082 EP
+2,807,973 EP
2024-09-14 217 1,823,657,109 EP
+2,928,396 EP
2024-09-13 217 1,820,728,713 EP
+3,225,045 EP
2024-09-12 217 1,817,503,668 EP
+3,244,329 EP
2024-09-11 217 1,814,259,339 EP
+3,184,720 EP
2024-09-10 217 1,811,074,619 EP
+1,147,807 EP
2024-09-09 217 1,809,926,812 EP
+2,111,919 EP
2024-09-08 217 1,807,814,893 EP
+2,852,628 EP
2024-09-07 217 1,804,962,265 EP
+2,936,667 EP
2024-09-06 217 1,802,025,598 EP
0 EP
2024-09-04 216 1,792,336,503 EP
+76,347 EP
2024-09-03 216 1,792,260,156 EP
+3,269,772 EP
2024-09-02 216 1,788,990,384 EP
+3,303,347 EP
2024-09-01 216 1,785,687,037 EP
+3,410,796 EP
2024-08-31 216 1,782,276,241 EP
+3,453,920 EP
2024-08-30 216 1,778,822,321 EP
+1,146,010 EP
2024-08-29 216 1,777,676,311 EP
+1,903,966 EP
2024-08-28 216 1,775,772,345 EP
+3,180,495 EP
2024-08-27 216 1,772,591,850 EP
+52,642 EP
2024-08-26 216 1,772,539,208 EP
+9,945 EP
2024-08-25 216 1,772,529,263 EP
0 EP
2024-08-24 216 1,772,529,263 EP
0 EP
2024-08-23 216 1,772,529,263 EP
+16,044 EP
2024-08-22 216 1,772,513,219 EP
+192,117 EP
2024-08-21 216 1,772,321,102 EP
0 EP
2024-08-20 216 1,772,321,102 EP
+13,790 EP
2024-08-19 216 1,772,307,312 EP
+17,370 EP
2024-08-18 216 1,772,289,942 EP
+153,927 EP
2024-08-17 216 1,772,136,015 EP
0 EP
Total 43 Day(s): 85,177,536 EP

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