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Beyza -
Compare Beyza with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 213
World 15
Guild: Red Zone
Rank: 37
Achievements: 0
Points: 211
1,687,386,601 EP 61% 12,212,109 EP
Left For Level
If Beyza Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-33,747,732 -84,369,330 -168,738,660
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -33,747,732 -84,369,330

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-07-19 213 1,687,386,601 EP
0 EP
2020-07-18 213 1,687,386,601 EP
+5,833,051 EP
2020-07-17 213 1,681,553,550 EP
+1,364,324 EP
2020-07-16 213 1,680,189,226 EP
+790,902 EP
2020-07-15 213 1,679,398,324 EP
+4,251,721 EP
2020-07-14 213 1,675,146,603 EP
+4,197,436 EP
2020-07-13 213 1,670,949,167 EP
+3,046,790 EP
2020-07-12 213 1,667,902,377 EP
+1,552,002 EP
2020-07-11 212 1,666,350,375 EP
+3,989,782 EP
2020-07-10 212 1,662,360,593 EP
+2,540,916 EP
2020-07-09 212 1,659,819,677 EP
+2,964,846 EP
2020-07-08 212 1,656,854,831 EP
+2,071,155 EP
2020-07-07 212 1,654,783,676 EP
+954,331 EP
2020-07-06 212 1,653,829,345 EP
+2,742,194 EP
2020-07-05 212 1,651,087,151 EP
+2,560,064 EP
2020-07-04 212 1,648,527,087 EP
+2,601,491 EP
2020-07-03 212 1,645,925,596 EP
+2,225,005 EP
2020-07-02 212 1,643,700,591 EP
+1,652,501 EP
2020-07-01 212 1,642,048,090 EP
+2,754,576 EP
2020-06-30 212 1,639,293,514 EP
+609,577 EP
2020-06-29 212 1,638,683,937 EP
+3,606,882 EP
2020-06-28 211 1,635,077,055 EP
+2,578,283 EP
2020-06-27 211 1,632,498,772 EP
+2,421,546 EP
2020-06-26 211 1,630,077,226 EP
+3,143,690 EP
2020-06-25 211 1,626,933,536 EP
+1,944,620 EP
2020-06-24 211 1,624,988,916 EP
+2,245,025 EP
2020-06-23 211 1,622,743,891 EP
+1,913,012 EP
2020-06-22 211 1,620,830,879 EP
+2,526,022 EP
2020-06-21 211 1,618,304,857 EP
+2,163,533 EP
2020-06-20 211 1,616,141,324 EP
+2,307,729 EP
2020-06-19 211 1,613,833,595 EP
+1,550,541 EP
2020-06-18 211 1,612,283,054 EP
+1,368,632 EP
2020-06-17 211 1,610,914,422 EP
+243,330 EP
2020-06-16 211 1,610,671,092 EP
+1,883,965 EP
2020-06-15 211 1,608,787,127 EP
+1,692,740 EP
2020-06-14 211 1,607,094,387 EP
+1,313,025 EP
2020-06-13 211 1,605,781,362 EP
+863,089 EP
2020-06-12 210 1,604,918,273 EP
+1,412,640 EP
2020-06-11 210 1,603,505,633 EP
+1,088,804 EP
2020-06-10 210 1,602,416,829 EP
+610,646 EP
2020-06-09 210 1,601,806,183 EP
+2,033,564 EP
2020-06-08 210 1,599,772,619 EP
+702,417 EP
2020-06-07 210 1,599,070,202 EP
+638,587 EP
2020-06-06 210 1,598,431,615 EP
+757,617 EP
2020-06-05 210 1,597,673,998 EP
0 EP
Total 45 Day(s): 89,712,603 EP

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