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Bollkiah -
Compare Bollkiah with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 229
World 32
Guild: Born2kill
Rank: 10
Achievements: 0
Points: 377
2,239,372,722 EP 16% 32,808,788 EP
Left For Level
If Bollkiah Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-44,787,454 -111,968,636 -223,937,272
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -44,787,454 -111,968,636

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-12-26 229 2,239,372,722 EP
+1,054,391 EP
2020-12-25 229 2,238,318,331 EP
+1,288,195 EP
2020-12-24 229 2,237,030,136 EP
+1,277,704 EP
2020-12-23 229 2,235,752,432 EP
+1,341,998 EP
2020-12-22 229 2,234,410,434 EP
+1,334,375 EP
2020-12-21 229 2,233,076,059 EP
+1,371,983 EP
2020-12-20 228 2,231,704,076 EP
+2,137,708 EP
2020-12-19 228 2,229,566,368 EP
+1,176,826 EP
2020-12-18 228 2,228,389,542 EP
+1,094,674 EP
2020-12-17 228 2,227,294,868 EP
+1,089,241 EP
2020-12-16 228 2,226,205,627 EP
+1,097,064 EP
2020-12-15 228 2,225,108,563 EP
+1,325,360 EP
2020-12-14 228 2,223,783,203 EP
+2,070,771 EP
2020-12-13 228 2,221,712,432 EP
+1,217,792 EP
2020-12-12 228 2,220,494,640 EP
+1,402,417 EP
2020-12-11 228 2,219,092,223 EP
+260,538 EP
2020-12-10 228 2,218,831,685 EP
+1,323,553 EP
2020-12-09 228 2,217,508,132 EP
+1,342,336 EP
2020-12-08 228 2,216,165,796 EP
+1,320,254 EP
2020-12-07 228 2,214,845,542 EP
+1,376,356 EP
2020-12-06 228 2,213,469,186 EP
+1,707,072 EP
2020-12-05 228 2,211,762,114 EP
+1,360,421 EP
2020-12-04 228 2,210,401,693 EP
+1,413,595 EP
2020-12-03 228 2,208,988,098 EP
+1,137,553 EP
2020-12-02 228 2,207,850,545 EP
+1,125,366 EP
2020-12-01 228 2,206,725,179 EP
+1,100,603 EP
2020-11-30 228 2,205,624,576 EP
+1,105,319 EP
2020-11-29 228 2,204,519,257 EP
+85,577 EP
2020-11-28 228 2,204,433,680 EP
+2,180,263 EP
2020-11-27 228 2,202,253,417 EP
+1,756,966 EP
2020-11-26 228 2,200,496,451 EP
+1,551,323 EP
2020-11-25 228 2,198,945,128 EP
+2,204,602 EP
2020-11-24 228 2,196,740,526 EP
+1,459,319 EP
2020-11-23 228 2,195,281,207 EP
+2,160,834 EP
2020-11-22 227 2,193,120,373 EP
0 EP
Total 35 Day(s): 46,252,349 EP

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