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Joveylina -
Compare Joveylina with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 177
World 33
Guild: L A N L A
Rank: 5
Achievements: 0
Points: 226
802,759,000 EP 65% 6,208,290 EP
Left For Level
If Joveylina Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-16,055,180 -40,137,950 -80,275,900
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -16,055,180 -40,137,950

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-05-30 177 802,759,000 EP
+7,987 EP
2023-05-29 177 802,751,013 EP
+317,067 EP
2023-05-28 177 802,433,946 EP
+291,251 EP
2023-05-27 177 802,142,695 EP
+233,169 EP
2023-05-26 177 801,909,526 EP
+258,125 EP
2023-05-25 177 801,651,401 EP
+605,959 EP
2023-05-24 177 801,045,442 EP
+28,783 EP
2023-05-23 177 801,016,659 EP
+130,075 EP
2023-05-22 177 800,886,584 EP
+189,669 EP
2023-05-21 177 800,696,915 EP
+6,441 EP
2023-05-20 177 800,690,474 EP
+26,670 EP
2023-05-19 177 800,663,804 EP
+96,048 EP
2023-05-18 177 800,567,756 EP
+27,112 EP
2023-05-17 177 800,540,644 EP
+395,392 EP
2023-05-16 177 800,145,252 EP
+287,306 EP
2023-05-15 177 799,857,946 EP
+590,432 EP
2023-05-14 177 799,267,514 EP
+332,205 EP
2023-05-13 177 798,935,309 EP
+520,056 EP
2023-05-12 177 798,415,253 EP
+402,594 EP
2023-05-11 177 798,012,659 EP
+108,004 EP
2023-05-10 177 797,904,655 EP
+208,594 EP
2023-05-09 177 797,696,061 EP
+194,336 EP
2023-05-08 177 797,501,725 EP
+977,953 EP
2023-05-07 177 796,523,772 EP
+632,422 EP
2023-05-06 177 795,891,350 EP
+568,347 EP
2023-05-05 177 795,323,003 EP
+501,668 EP
2023-05-04 177 794,821,335 EP
+478,284 EP
2023-05-03 177 794,343,051 EP
+333,553 EP
2023-05-02 177 794,009,498 EP
+150,667 EP
2023-05-01 177 793,858,831 EP
+907,932 EP
2023-04-30 177 792,950,899 EP
0 EP
Total 31 Day(s): 9,808,101 EP

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