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Mrjhon -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 180
World 35
Guild: None
Rank: 0
Achievements: 0
Points: 125
852,461,145 EP 32% 12,916,155 EP
Left For Level
If Mrjhon Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-17,049,223 -42,623,057 -85,246,115
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -17,049,223 -42,623,057

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2025-03-14 180 852,461,145 EP
+626,977 EP
2025-03-13 180 851,834,168 EP
+807,872 EP
2025-03-12 180 851,026,296 EP
+2,188,038 EP
2025-03-11 180 848,838,258 EP
+1,495,045 EP
2025-03-10 180 847,343,213 EP
+1,499,013 EP
2025-03-09 179 845,844,200 EP
+816,799 EP
2025-03-08 179 845,027,401 EP
+1,512,985 EP
2025-03-07 179 843,514,416 EP
+2,170,051 EP
2025-03-06 179 841,344,365 EP
+1,456,939 EP
2025-03-05 179 839,887,426 EP
+831,786 EP
2025-03-04 179 839,055,640 EP
+1,529,128 EP
2025-03-03 179 837,526,512 EP
+2,694,191 EP
2025-03-02 179 834,832,321 EP
+1,808,516 EP
2025-03-01 179 833,023,805 EP
+988,712 EP
2025-02-28 179 832,035,093 EP
+2,554,983 EP
2025-02-27 179 829,480,110 EP
+822,053 EP
2025-02-26 179 828,658,057 EP
+2,242,602 EP
2025-02-25 178 826,415,455 EP
+1,581,677 EP
2025-02-24 178 824,833,778 EP
+1,528,614 EP
2025-02-23 178 823,305,164 EP
+796,045 EP
2025-02-22 178 822,509,119 EP
+2,210,140 EP
2025-02-21 178 820,298,979 EP
+1,537,451 EP
2025-02-20 178 818,761,528 EP
+1,483,764 EP
2025-02-19 178 817,277,764 EP
+1,515,100 EP
2025-02-18 178 815,762,664 EP
+1,475,639 EP
2025-02-17 178 814,287,025 EP
+811,426 EP
2025-02-16 178 813,475,599 EP
+2,195,183 EP
2025-02-15 178 811,280,416 EP
+1,538,596 EP
2025-02-14 178 809,741,820 EP
+1,489,499 EP
2025-02-13 177 808,252,321 EP
+822,032 EP
2025-02-12 177 807,430,289 EP
+2,092,298 EP
2025-02-11 177 805,337,991 EP
+1,508,208 EP
2025-02-10 177 803,829,783 EP
+1,537,776 EP
2025-02-09 177 802,292,007 EP
+1,492,322 EP
2025-02-08 177 800,799,685 EP
+1,471,527 EP
2025-02-07 177 799,328,158 EP
+1,475,376 EP
2025-02-06 177 797,852,782 EP
+828,457 EP
2025-02-05 177 797,024,325 EP
+1,437,194 EP
2025-02-04 177 795,587,131 EP
+1,500,011 EP
2025-02-03 177 794,087,120 EP
+1,435,936 EP
2025-02-02 177 792,651,184 EP
+1,566,918 EP
2025-02-01 177 791,084,266 EP
+2,548,974 EP
2025-01-31 176 788,535,292 EP
+835,249 EP
2025-01-30 176 787,700,043 EP
+1,542,915 EP
2025-01-29 176 786,157,128 EP
+1,489,616 EP
2025-01-28 176 784,667,512 EP
+2,145,869 EP
2025-01-27 176 782,521,643 EP
+1,524,069 EP
2025-01-26 176 780,997,574 EP
+1,582,804 EP
2025-01-25 176 779,414,770 EP
+1,010,569 EP
2025-01-24 176 778,404,201 EP
+1,433,243 EP
2025-01-23 176 776,970,958 EP
+1,544,692 EP
2025-01-22 176 775,426,266 EP
+1,528,431 EP
2025-01-21 176 773,897,835 EP
+1,447,566 EP
2025-01-20 175 772,450,269 EP
+2,241,606 EP
2025-01-19 175 770,208,663 EP
+1,501,988 EP
2025-01-18 175 768,706,675 EP
+1,507,492 EP
2025-01-17 175 767,199,183 EP
+813,568 EP
2025-01-16 175 766,385,615 EP
+2,128,611 EP
2025-01-15 175 764,257,004 EP
+1,402,222 EP
2025-01-14 175 762,854,782 EP
+1,523,013 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 91,129,376 EP

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