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Musz -
Compare Musz with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 289
World 1
Guild: None
Rank: 0
Achievements: 0
Points: 311
5,748,853,390 EP 68% 24,814,620 EP
Left For Level
If Musz Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-114,977,068 -287,442,670 -574,885,339
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -114,977,068 -287,442,670

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2025-01-16 289 5,748,853,390 EP
+2,514,328 EP
2025-01-15 289 5,746,339,062 EP
+2,705,051 EP
2025-01-14 289 5,743,634,011 EP
+2,131,576 EP
2025-01-13 289 5,741,502,435 EP
+2,177,896 EP
2025-01-12 289 5,739,324,539 EP
+64,799 EP
2025-01-11 289 5,739,259,740 EP
+529,884 EP
2025-01-10 289 5,738,729,856 EP
+2,212,188 EP
2025-01-09 289 5,736,517,668 EP
+2,121,227 EP
2025-01-08 289 5,734,396,441 EP
+2,150,306 EP
2025-01-07 289 5,732,246,135 EP
+2,128,633 EP
2025-01-06 289 5,730,117,502 EP
+2,530,602 EP
2025-01-05 289 5,727,586,900 EP
+18,815 EP
2025-01-04 289 5,727,568,085 EP
+2,123,301 EP
2025-01-03 289 5,725,444,784 EP
+2,597,711 EP
2025-01-02 289 5,722,847,073 EP
+2,168,075 EP
2025-01-01 289 5,720,678,998 EP
+1,949,034 EP
2024-12-31 289 5,718,729,964 EP
+2,135,029 EP
2024-12-30 289 5,716,594,935 EP
+2,112,169 EP
2024-12-29 289 5,714,482,766 EP
+23,519 EP
2024-12-28 289 5,714,459,247 EP
+2,380,051 EP
2024-12-27 289 5,712,079,196 EP
+2,633,637 EP
2024-12-26 289 5,709,445,559 EP
+210,747 EP
2024-12-25 289 5,709,234,812 EP
0 EP
Total 23 Day(s): 39,618,578 EP

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