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Xyryn -
Compare Xyryn with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 201
World 9
Guild: D A M A I
Rank: 6
Achievements: 0
Points: 414
1,342,678,176 EP 83% 4,358,834 EP
Left For Level
If Xyryn Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-26,853,564 -67,133,909 -134,267,818
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -26,853,564 -67,133,909

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-03-25 201 1,342,678,176 EP
+1,368,997 EP
2023-03-24 201 1,341,309,179 EP
+2,312,959 EP
2023-03-23 201 1,338,996,220 EP
+2,603,625 EP
2023-03-22 201 1,336,392,595 EP
+2,273,462 EP
2023-03-21 201 1,334,119,133 EP
+2,609,791 EP
2023-03-20 201 1,331,509,342 EP
+2,210,792 EP
2023-03-19 201 1,329,298,550 EP
+862,953 EP
2023-03-18 201 1,328,435,597 EP
+1,955,641 EP
2023-03-17 201 1,326,479,956 EP
+2,991,007 EP
2023-03-16 201 1,323,488,949 EP
+1,862,193 EP
2023-03-15 201 1,321,626,756 EP
+2,191,356 EP
2023-03-14 200 1,319,435,400 EP
+3,511,158 EP
2023-03-13 200 1,315,924,242 EP
+2,748,989 EP
2023-03-12 200 1,313,175,253 EP
+98,458 EP
2023-03-11 200 1,313,076,795 EP
+835,381 EP
2023-03-10 200 1,312,241,414 EP
+701,149 EP
2023-03-09 200 1,311,540,265 EP
+1,256,568 EP
2023-03-08 200 1,310,283,697 EP
+1,224,823 EP
2023-03-07 200 1,309,058,874 EP
+2,629,419 EP
2023-03-06 200 1,306,429,455 EP
+2,344,749 EP
2023-03-05 200 1,304,084,706 EP
+883,076 EP
2023-03-04 200 1,303,201,630 EP
+2,704,576 EP
2023-03-03 200 1,300,497,054 EP
+2,198,933 EP
2023-03-02 200 1,298,298,121 EP
+2,722,406 EP
2023-03-01 200 1,295,575,715 EP
0 EP
2023-02-28 200 1,295,575,715 EP
+952,685 EP
2023-02-27 200 1,294,623,030 EP
+14,662,709 EP
2023-02-26 199 1,279,960,321 EP
+17,887,778 EP
2023-02-25 198 1,262,072,543 EP
+8,071,610 EP
2023-02-24 198 1,254,000,933 EP
+9,022,359 EP
2023-02-23 198 1,244,978,574 EP
0 EP
Total 31 Day(s): 97,699,602 EP

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