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Guild View - H O M E -
Rank: 76 World: 36
Exp: 349,547 EP
Guild Members
1 Gracie 248 Lvl 3,083,955,518 EP
2 Najla 233 Lvl 2,433,675,892 EP
3 Posa 211 Lvl 1,635,095,930 EP
4 Rin 201 Lvl 1,332,604,971 EP
5 Bossabu 201 Lvl 1,327,559,926 EP
6 Mariposa 200 Lvl 1,298,943,121 EP
7 Moskov 196 Lvl 1,202,348,790 EP
8 Duducol 167 Lvl 631,775,210 EP
9 Shinigami 166 Lvl 613,869,235 EP
10 Prozazaa 137 Lvl 287,608,766 EP
11 Prodigue 129 Lvl 226,966,132 EP
12 Queenwiwik 129 Lvl 222,751,179 EP
Date Experience EXP Gained
2024-10-04 349,547 EP +6,159 EP
2024-10-03 343,388 EP +8,476 EP
2024-10-02 334,912 EP +4,796 EP
2024-10-01 330,116 EP +9,314 EP
2024-09-30 320,802 EP +7,485 EP
2024-09-29 313,317 EP +3,596 EP
2024-09-28 309,721 EP +6,029 EP
2024-09-27 303,692 EP +5,200 EP
2024-09-26 298,492 EP +8,237 EP
2024-09-25 290,255 EP +10,434 EP
2024-09-24 279,821 EP +10,712 EP
2024-09-23 269,109 EP +7,258 EP
2024-09-22 261,851 EP +5,058 EP
2024-09-21 256,793 EP +6,443 EP
2024-09-20 250,350 EP +6,828 EP
2024-09-19 243,522 EP +21,909 EP
2024-09-18 221,613 EP +10,915 EP
2024-09-17 210,698 EP +9,139 EP
2024-09-16 201,559 EP +40,538 EP
2024-09-15 161,021 EP +4,120 EP
2024-09-14 156,901 EP +7,481 EP
2024-09-13 149,420 EP +8,808 EP
2024-09-12 140,612 EP +6,176 EP
2024-09-11 134,436 EP +13,027 EP
2024-09-10 121,409 EP 0 EP

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