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Anticore -
Compare Anticore with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 220
World 7
Guild: Dont Stop
Rank: 48
Achievements: 0
Points: 379
1,927,341,007 EP 78% 7,489,693 EP
Left For Level
If Anticore Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-38,546,820 -96,367,050 -192,734,101
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -38,546,820 -96,367,050

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-09-29 220 1,927,341,007 EP
+574,283 EP
2021-09-28 220 1,926,766,724 EP
+1,409,492 EP
2021-09-27 220 1,925,357,232 EP
+921,089 EP
2021-09-26 220 1,924,436,143 EP
+1,526,960 EP
2021-09-25 220 1,922,909,183 EP
+1,743,559 EP
2021-09-24 220 1,921,165,624 EP
+1,614,589 EP
2021-09-23 220 1,919,551,035 EP
+355,400 EP
2021-09-22 220 1,919,195,635 EP
+1,701,088 EP
2021-09-21 220 1,917,494,547 EP
+250,715 EP
2021-09-20 220 1,917,243,832 EP
+264,412 EP
2021-09-19 220 1,916,979,420 EP
+34,878 EP
2021-09-18 220 1,916,944,542 EP
+2,096,784 EP
2021-09-17 220 1,914,847,758 EP
+244,538 EP
2021-09-16 220 1,914,603,220 EP
+1,255,886 EP
2021-09-15 220 1,913,347,334 EP
+703,296 EP
2021-09-14 220 1,912,644,038 EP
0 EP
2021-09-13 220 1,912,644,038 EP
+47,213 EP
2021-09-12 220 1,912,596,825 EP
+474,679 EP
2021-09-11 220 1,912,122,146 EP
+926,567 EP
2021-09-10 220 1,911,195,579 EP
+1,314,970 EP
2021-09-09 220 1,909,880,609 EP
+143,096 EP
2021-09-08 220 1,909,737,513 EP
+15,759 EP
2021-09-07 220 1,909,721,754 EP
+733,286 EP
2021-09-06 220 1,908,988,468 EP
+1,827,753 EP
2021-09-05 220 1,907,160,715 EP
+1,789,948 EP
2021-09-04 220 1,905,370,767 EP
+633,596 EP
2021-09-03 220 1,904,737,171 EP
+1,451,884 EP
2021-09-02 220 1,903,285,287 EP
+695,504 EP
2021-09-01 220 1,902,589,783 EP
+926,444 EP
2021-08-31 220 1,901,663,339 EP
+1,374,438 EP
2021-08-30 220 1,900,288,901 EP
+12,488 EP
2021-08-29 220 1,900,276,413 EP
+2,587,594 EP
2021-08-28 219 1,897,688,819 EP
+2,065,067 EP
2021-08-27 219 1,895,623,752 EP
0 EP
Total 34 Day(s): 31,717,255 EP

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