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Antiglory -
Compare Antiglory with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 208
World 7
Guild: Dont Stop
Rank: 48
Achievements: 0
Points: 317
1,521,634,831 EP 20% 23,575,329 EP
Left For Level
If Antiglory Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-30,432,697 -76,081,742 -152,163,483
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -30,432,697 -76,081,742

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-11-02 208 1,521,634,831 EP
+1,159,159 EP
2021-11-01 208 1,520,475,672 EP
+1,170,627 EP
2021-10-31 208 1,519,305,045 EP
+2,084,092 EP
2021-10-30 208 1,517,220,953 EP
+1,427,211 EP
2021-10-29 208 1,515,793,742 EP
+1,232,505 EP
2021-10-28 207 1,514,561,237 EP
+2,541,036 EP
2021-10-27 207 1,512,020,201 EP
+2,933,688 EP
2021-10-26 207 1,509,086,513 EP
+1,312,053 EP
2021-10-25 207 1,507,774,460 EP
+2,752,392 EP
2021-10-24 207 1,505,022,068 EP
+1,225,141 EP
2021-10-23 207 1,503,796,927 EP
+2,347,548 EP
2021-10-22 207 1,501,449,379 EP
+1,903,967 EP
2021-10-21 207 1,499,545,412 EP
+1,717,167 EP
2021-10-20 207 1,497,828,245 EP
+1,655,412 EP
2021-10-19 207 1,496,172,833 EP
+2,388,316 EP
2021-10-18 207 1,493,784,517 EP
+2,007,894 EP
2021-10-17 207 1,491,776,623 EP
+794,346 EP
2021-10-16 207 1,490,982,277 EP
+1,666,727 EP
2021-10-15 207 1,489,315,550 EP
+752,480 EP
2021-10-14 207 1,488,563,070 EP
+2,711,227 EP
2021-10-13 206 1,485,851,843 EP
+1,563,273 EP
2021-10-12 206 1,484,288,570 EP
+2,104,293 EP
2021-10-11 206 1,482,184,277 EP
+1,539,356 EP
2021-10-10 206 1,480,644,921 EP
+549,062 EP
2021-10-09 206 1,480,095,859 EP
+2,666,902 EP
2021-10-08 206 1,477,428,957 EP
+1,599,351 EP
2021-10-07 206 1,475,829,606 EP
+519,912 EP
2021-10-06 206 1,475,309,694 EP
+1,952,970 EP
2021-10-05 206 1,473,356,724 EP
+1,228,528 EP
2021-10-04 206 1,472,128,196 EP
+1,944,405 EP
2021-10-03 206 1,470,183,791 EP
0 EP
Total 31 Day(s): 51,451,040 EP

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