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Joewandi -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 169
World 33
Guild: 9star
Rank: 14
Achievements: 0
Points: 222
661,247,685 EP 32% 10,745,325 EP
Left For Level
If Joewandi Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-13,224,954 -33,062,384 -66,124,769
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -13,224,954 -33,062,384

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-08-04 169 661,247,685 EP
0 EP
2020-08-03 169 661,247,685 EP
+3,735 EP
2020-08-02 169 661,243,950 EP
0 EP
2020-08-01 169 661,243,950 EP
+20,518 EP
2020-07-31 169 661,223,432 EP
0 EP
2020-07-30 169 661,223,432 EP
0 EP
2020-07-29 169 661,223,432 EP
+692,789 EP
2020-07-28 169 660,530,643 EP
+2,636,023 EP
2020-07-27 169 657,894,620 EP
+949,510 EP
2020-07-26 169 656,945,110 EP
+2,772,050 EP
2020-07-25 168 654,173,060 EP
+2,040,163 EP
2020-07-24 168 652,132,897 EP
+3,135,685 EP
2020-07-23 168 648,997,212 EP
+1,443,502 EP
2020-07-22 168 647,553,710 EP
+1,653,408 EP
2020-07-21 168 645,900,302 EP
+2,304,333 EP
2020-07-20 168 643,595,969 EP
+2,075,381 EP
2020-07-19 168 641,520,588 EP
+2,033,453 EP
2020-07-18 167 639,487,135 EP
+2,485,738 EP
2020-07-17 167 637,001,397 EP
+1,867,307 EP
2020-07-16 167 635,134,090 EP
+1,914,794 EP
2020-07-15 167 633,219,296 EP
+1,329,910 EP
2020-07-14 167 631,889,386 EP
+1,962,082 EP
2020-07-13 167 629,927,304 EP
+1,463,784 EP
2020-07-12 167 628,463,520 EP
+2,483,717 EP
2020-07-11 167 625,979,803 EP
+2,148,005 EP
2020-07-10 166 623,831,798 EP
+1,764,793 EP
2020-07-09 166 622,067,005 EP
+2,406,159 EP
2020-07-08 166 619,660,846 EP
+1,807,906 EP
2020-07-07 166 617,852,940 EP
+1,775,188 EP
2020-07-06 166 616,077,752 EP
+1,890,302 EP
2020-07-05 166 614,187,450 EP
+2,140,427 EP
2020-07-04 166 612,047,023 EP
+2,106,755 EP
2020-07-03 165 609,940,268 EP
+2,104,078 EP
2020-07-02 165 607,836,190 EP
+1,673,605 EP
2020-07-01 165 606,162,585 EP
+1,466,510 EP
2020-06-30 165 604,696,075 EP
+830,915 EP
2020-06-29 165 603,865,160 EP
+18,387,189 EP
2020-06-28 164 585,477,971 EP
+9,767,622 EP
2020-06-27 163 575,710,349 EP
+1,719,154 EP
2020-06-26 163 573,991,195 EP
+6,601,852 EP
2020-06-25 163 567,389,343 EP
+1,976,754 EP
2020-06-24 162 565,412,589 EP
+1,791,357 EP
2020-06-23 162 563,621,232 EP
+1,558,241 EP
2020-06-22 162 562,062,991 EP
+1,896,105 EP
2020-06-21 162 560,166,886 EP
+2,143,505 EP
2020-06-20 162 558,023,381 EP
+1,779,186 EP
2020-06-19 162 556,244,195 EP
+1,479,366 EP
2020-06-18 162 554,764,829 EP
+1,179,240 EP
2020-06-17 162 553,585,589 EP
0 EP
Total 49 Day(s): 107,662,096 EP

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