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Victorzaa -
Compare Victorzaa with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 226
World 32
Guild: Haoxiangni
Rank: 6
Achievements: 0
Points: 335
2,124,270,780 EP 18% 30,923,980 EP
Left For Level
If Victorzaa Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-42,485,416 -106,213,539 -212,427,078
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -42,485,416 -106,213,539

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2022-11-02 226 2,124,270,780 EP
+93,884 EP
2022-11-01 226 2,124,176,896 EP
+96,635 EP
2022-10-31 226 2,124,080,261 EP
+449,596 EP
2022-10-30 226 2,123,630,665 EP
+7,800 EP
2022-10-29 226 2,123,622,865 EP
+471,717 EP
2022-10-28 226 2,123,151,148 EP
+34,715 EP
2022-10-27 226 2,123,116,433 EP
+266,642 EP
2022-10-26 226 2,122,849,791 EP
+690,856 EP
2022-10-25 226 2,122,158,935 EP
+514,965 EP
2022-10-24 226 2,121,643,970 EP
+437,127 EP
2022-10-23 226 2,121,206,843 EP
+789,768 EP
2022-10-22 226 2,120,417,075 EP
+341,834 EP
2022-10-21 226 2,120,075,241 EP
+3,295,398 EP
2022-10-20 225 2,116,779,843 EP
+3,122,710 EP
2022-10-19 225 2,113,657,133 EP
+1,953,728 EP
2022-10-18 225 2,111,703,405 EP
+3,283,172 EP
2022-10-17 225 2,108,420,233 EP
+2,719,507 EP
2022-10-16 225 2,105,700,726 EP
+279,957 EP
2022-10-15 225 2,105,420,769 EP
+392,260 EP
2022-10-14 225 2,105,028,509 EP
+810,775 EP
2022-10-13 225 2,104,217,734 EP
+65,598 EP
2022-10-12 225 2,104,152,136 EP
+148,016 EP
2022-10-11 225 2,104,004,120 EP
+193,846 EP
2022-10-10 225 2,103,810,274 EP
0 EP
2022-10-09 225 2,103,810,274 EP
+1,351,769 EP
2022-10-08 225 2,102,458,505 EP
+2,137,904 EP
2022-10-07 225 2,100,320,601 EP
+3,177,364 EP
2022-10-06 225 2,097,143,237 EP
+1,061,798 EP
2022-10-05 225 2,096,081,439 EP
+832,352 EP
2022-10-04 225 2,095,249,087 EP
0 EP
Total 30 Day(s): 29,021,693 EP

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