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Bkthebest -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 212
World 1
Guild: Highway G
Rank: 71
Achievements: 0
Points: 245
1,637,488,406 EP 3% 30,346,334 EP
Left For Level
If Bkthebest Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-32,749,768 -81,874,420 -163,748,841
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -32,749,768 -81,874,420

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2024-09-03 212 1,637,488,406 EP
+1,239,255 EP
2024-09-02 211 1,636,249,151 EP
0 EP
2024-09-01 211 1,636,249,151 EP
0 EP
2024-08-22 211 1,620,286,157 EP
+2,922,127 EP
2024-08-21 211 1,617,364,030 EP
0 EP
2024-08-20 211 1,617,364,030 EP
0 EP
2024-08-17 211 1,610,654,141 EP
0 EP
2024-08-14 210 1,603,505,790 EP
+2,888,329 EP
2024-08-13 210 1,600,617,461 EP
+1,416,343 EP
2024-08-12 210 1,599,201,118 EP
+2,264,276 EP
2024-08-11 210 1,596,936,842 EP
+2,485,064 EP
2024-08-10 210 1,594,451,778 EP
+2,274,251 EP
2024-08-09 210 1,592,177,527 EP
+2,287,858 EP
2024-08-08 210 1,589,889,669 EP
+2,228,485 EP
2024-08-07 210 1,587,661,184 EP
+2,208,152 EP
2024-08-06 210 1,585,453,032 EP
+2,170,862 EP
2024-08-05 210 1,583,282,170 EP
+3,608,888 EP
2024-08-04 210 1,579,673,282 EP
+297,700 EP
2024-08-03 210 1,579,375,582 EP
0 EP
2024-08-02 210 1,579,375,582 EP
+2,016 EP
2024-08-01 210 1,579,373,566 EP
0 EP
2024-07-29 210 1,577,984,359 EP
+2,504,318 EP
2024-07-28 210 1,575,480,041 EP
+2,027,495 EP
2024-07-27 209 1,573,452,546 EP
+5,656,739 EP
2024-07-26 209 1,567,795,807 EP
+2,293,945 EP
2024-07-25 209 1,565,501,862 EP
+2,830,233 EP
2024-07-24 209 1,562,671,629 EP
+2,834,749 EP
2024-07-23 209 1,559,836,880 EP
+2,708,315 EP
2024-07-22 209 1,557,128,565 EP
+2,774,195 EP
2024-07-21 209 1,554,354,370 EP
0 EP
2024-07-20 209 1,554,354,370 EP
+2,252,932 EP
2024-07-19 209 1,552,101,438 EP
+93,901 EP
2024-07-18 209 1,552,007,537 EP
+1,453,167 EP
2024-07-17 209 1,550,554,370 EP
+1,423,042 EP
2024-07-16 209 1,549,131,328 EP
+679,139 EP
2024-07-15 209 1,548,452,189 EP
+278,121 EP
2024-07-14 209 1,548,174,068 EP
+744,184 EP
2024-07-13 209 1,547,429,884 EP
+2,009,101 EP
2024-07-12 209 1,545,420,783 EP
+133,939 EP
2024-07-11 209 1,545,286,844 EP
+1,642,701 EP
2024-07-10 208 1,543,644,143 EP
+528,732 EP
2024-07-09 208 1,543,115,411 EP
+2,019,381 EP
2024-07-08 208 1,541,096,030 EP
0 EP
Total 43 Day(s): 65,181,935 EP

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