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Comelboy -
Compare Comelboy with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 20
Level 198
World 33
Guild: Fre3dom
Rank: 13
Achievements: 0
Points: 302
1,252,213,811 EP 37% 16,003,249 EP
Left For Level
If Comelboy Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-25,044,276 -62,610,691 -125,221,381
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -25,044,276 -62,610,691

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-11-15 198 1,252,213,811 EP
+3,281 EP
2020-11-14 198 1,252,210,530 EP
+2,265,351 EP
2020-11-13 198 1,249,945,179 EP
+1,817,450 EP
2020-11-12 198 1,248,127,729 EP
+995,249 EP
2020-11-11 198 1,247,132,480 EP
+1,938,443 EP
2020-11-10 198 1,245,194,037 EP
+1,964,500 EP
2020-11-09 198 1,243,229,537 EP
+1,742,999 EP
2020-11-08 197 1,241,486,538 EP
+1,891,294 EP
2020-11-07 197 1,239,595,244 EP
+2,251,282 EP
2020-11-06 197 1,237,343,962 EP
+2,441,760 EP
2020-11-05 197 1,234,902,202 EP
+1,198,085 EP
2020-11-04 197 1,233,704,117 EP
+1,061,636 EP
2020-11-03 197 1,232,642,481 EP
+597,238 EP
2020-11-02 197 1,232,045,243 EP
+2,181,235 EP
2020-11-01 197 1,229,864,008 EP
+411,715 EP
2020-10-31 197 1,229,452,293 EP
+679,078 EP
2020-10-30 197 1,228,773,215 EP
+587,626 EP
2020-10-29 197 1,228,185,589 EP
+144,191 EP
2020-10-28 197 1,228,041,398 EP
+2,550,575 EP
2020-10-27 197 1,225,490,823 EP
+795,354 EP
2020-10-26 197 1,224,695,469 EP
+1,099,618 EP
2020-10-25 197 1,223,595,851 EP
+317,930 EP
2020-10-24 197 1,223,277,921 EP
+812,404 EP
2020-10-23 197 1,222,465,517 EP
+1,312,038 EP
2020-10-22 197 1,221,153,479 EP
+807,714 EP
2020-10-21 197 1,220,345,765 EP
+496,425 EP
2020-10-20 197 1,219,849,340 EP
+895,388 EP
2020-10-19 197 1,218,953,952 EP
+1,293,810 EP
2020-10-18 197 1,217,660,142 EP
+742,943 EP
2020-10-17 196 1,216,917,199 EP
+1,609,373 EP
2020-10-16 196 1,215,307,826 EP
0 EP
Total 31 Day(s): 36,905,985 EP

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