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Forger -
Compare Forger with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 220
World 15
Guild: F A K E
Rank: 24
Achievements: 0
Points: 262
1,905,813,195 EP 17% 29,017,505 EP
Left For Level
If Forger Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-38,116,264 -95,290,660 -190,581,320
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -38,116,264 -95,290,660

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-10-27 220 1,905,813,195 EP
+1,704,329 EP
2023-10-26 220 1,904,108,866 EP
+2,699,790 EP
2023-10-25 220 1,901,409,076 EP
+2,597,666 EP
2023-10-24 219 1,898,811,410 EP
+2,673,040 EP
2023-10-23 219 1,896,138,370 EP
+2,655,973 EP
2023-10-22 219 1,893,482,397 EP
+2,287,206 EP
2023-10-21 219 1,891,195,191 EP
+2,428,753 EP
2023-10-20 219 1,888,766,438 EP
+2,762,732 EP
2023-10-19 219 1,886,003,706 EP
+2,652,918 EP
2023-10-18 219 1,883,350,788 EP
+2,621,417 EP
2023-10-17 219 1,880,729,371 EP
+3,578,945 EP
2023-10-16 219 1,877,150,426 EP
+3,260,892 EP
2023-10-15 219 1,873,889,534 EP
+2,300,155 EP
2023-10-14 219 1,871,589,379 EP
+2,502,893 EP
2023-10-13 219 1,869,086,486 EP
+2,622,986 EP
2023-10-12 219 1,866,463,500 EP
+3,187,533 EP
2023-10-11 218 1,863,275,967 EP
+3,500,121 EP
2023-10-10 218 1,859,775,846 EP
+3,190,312 EP
2023-10-09 218 1,856,585,534 EP
+3,625,509 EP
2023-10-08 218 1,852,960,025 EP
+3,108,765 EP
2023-10-07 218 1,849,851,260 EP
+2,362,281 EP
2023-10-06 218 1,847,488,979 EP
+3,430,634 EP
2023-10-05 218 1,844,058,345 EP
+3,501,834 EP
2023-10-04 218 1,840,556,511 EP
+3,642,910 EP
2023-10-03 218 1,836,913,601 EP
+3,289,073 EP
2023-10-02 218 1,833,624,528 EP
+3,347,772 EP
2023-10-01 217 1,830,276,756 EP
+2,925,011 EP
2023-09-30 217 1,827,351,745 EP
+3,602,904 EP
2023-09-29 217 1,823,748,841 EP
+3,872,682 EP
2023-09-28 217 1,819,876,159 EP
+3,026,544 EP
2023-09-27 217 1,816,849,615 EP
+3,645,059 EP
2023-09-26 217 1,813,204,556 EP
+3,801,401 EP
2023-09-25 217 1,809,403,155 EP
+3,850,960 EP
2023-09-24 217 1,805,552,195 EP
+3,550,012 EP
2023-09-23 217 1,802,002,183 EP
+2,057,919 EP
2023-09-22 217 1,799,944,264 EP
+3,630,983 EP
2023-09-21 216 1,796,313,281 EP
0 EP
Total 37 Day(s): 109,499,914 EP

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