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Genesis -
Compare Genesis with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 20
Level 50
World 35
Guild: Bloody War
Rank: 22
Achievements: 0
Points: 21
4,990,334 EP 91% 32,666 EP
Left For Level
If Genesis Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-99,807 -249,517 -499,033
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -99,807 -249,517

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2022-09-18 50 4,990,334 EP
0 EP
2022-09-17 50 4,990,334 EP
+21,626 EP
2022-09-16 50 4,968,708 EP
+40,740 EP
2022-09-15 50 4,927,968 EP
+49,882 EP
2022-09-14 50 4,878,086 EP
+25,430 EP
2022-09-13 50 4,852,656 EP
+45,800 EP
2022-09-12 50 4,806,856 EP
+35,922 EP
2022-09-11 50 4,770,934 EP
+27,825 EP
2022-09-10 50 4,743,109 EP
+26,144 EP
2022-09-09 50 4,716,965 EP
+34,963 EP
2022-09-08 50 4,682,002 EP
+46,488 EP
2022-09-07 50 4,635,514 EP
+34,083 EP
2022-09-06 49 4,601,431 EP
0 EP
2022-09-05 49 4,601,431 EP
0 EP
2022-09-04 49 4,601,431 EP
0 EP
2022-09-03 49 4,601,431 EP
+19,283 EP
2022-09-02 49 4,582,148 EP
+18,002 EP
2022-09-01 49 4,564,146 EP
+18,344 EP
2022-08-31 49 4,545,802 EP
+45,977 EP
2022-08-30 49 4,499,825 EP
+74,279 EP
2022-08-29 49 4,425,546 EP
+109,541 EP
2022-08-28 49 4,316,005 EP
+13,545 EP
2022-08-27 49 4,302,460 EP
+53,059 EP
2022-08-26 48 4,249,401 EP
+164,858 EP
2022-08-25 48 4,084,543 EP
0 EP
2022-08-24 48 4,084,543 EP
0 EP
2022-08-23 48 4,084,543 EP
+208 EP
2022-08-22 48 4,084,335 EP
0 EP
2022-08-21 48 4,084,335 EP
+9,911 EP
2022-08-20 48 4,074,424 EP
+62,875 EP
2022-08-19 48 4,011,549 EP
+26,807 EP
2022-08-18 48 3,984,742 EP
+20,066 EP
2022-08-17 48 3,964,676 EP
+49,655 EP
2022-08-16 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-15 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-14 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-13 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-12 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-11 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-10 48 3,915,021 EP
0 EP
2022-08-09 48 3,915,021 EP
+22,787 EP
2022-08-08 47 3,892,234 EP
+64,249 EP
2022-08-07 47 3,827,985 EP
+131,680 EP
2022-08-06 47 3,696,305 EP
0 EP
Total 44 Day(s): 1,294,029 EP

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