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Nxnawhki -
Compare Nxnawhki with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 213
World 9
Guild: Lost Lake
Rank: 17
Achievements: 0
Points: 301
1,682,893,432 EP 47% 16,705,278 EP
Left For Level
If Nxnawhki Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-33,657,869 -84,144,672 -168,289,343
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -33,657,869 -84,144,672

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-10-01 213 1,682,893,432 EP
0 EP
2021-09-30 213 1,682,893,432 EP
+98,226 EP
2021-09-29 213 1,682,795,206 EP
+346,683 EP
2021-09-28 213 1,682,448,523 EP
+389,100 EP
2021-09-27 213 1,682,059,423 EP
+253,975 EP
2021-09-26 213 1,681,805,448 EP
+173,332 EP
2021-09-25 213 1,681,632,116 EP
+90,623 EP
2021-09-24 213 1,681,541,493 EP
+1,155,687 EP
2021-09-23 213 1,680,385,806 EP
+1,195,202 EP
2021-09-22 213 1,679,190,604 EP
+1,532,780 EP
2021-09-21 213 1,677,657,824 EP
+1,155,838 EP
2021-09-20 213 1,676,501,986 EP
+898,799 EP
2021-09-19 213 1,675,603,187 EP
+569,383 EP
2021-09-18 213 1,675,033,804 EP
+388,811 EP
2021-09-17 213 1,674,644,993 EP
+451,024 EP
2021-09-16 213 1,674,193,969 EP
+433,545 EP
2021-09-15 213 1,673,760,424 EP
+1,113,471 EP
2021-09-14 213 1,672,646,953 EP
+409,713 EP
2021-09-13 213 1,672,237,240 EP
+904,293 EP
2021-09-12 213 1,671,332,947 EP
+1,005,468 EP
2021-09-11 213 1,670,327,479 EP
+725,387 EP
2021-09-10 213 1,669,602,092 EP
+825,433 EP
2021-09-09 213 1,668,776,659 EP
+5,732,985 EP
2021-09-08 212 1,663,043,674 EP
+2,647,642 EP
2021-09-07 212 1,660,396,032 EP
+3,187,882 EP
2021-09-06 212 1,657,208,150 EP
+3,879,854 EP
2021-09-05 212 1,653,328,296 EP
+1,993,959 EP
2021-09-04 212 1,651,334,337 EP
+2,078,164 EP
2021-09-03 212 1,649,256,173 EP
+3,403,499 EP
2021-09-02 212 1,645,852,674 EP
+3,459,809 EP
2021-09-01 212 1,642,392,865 EP
+3,075,040 EP
2021-08-31 212 1,639,317,825 EP
+595,993 EP
2021-08-30 212 1,638,721,832 EP
+32,319,466 EP
2021-08-29 211 1,606,402,366 EP
+66,520,666 EP
2021-08-28 208 1,539,881,700 EP
+32,394,117 EP
2021-08-27 207 1,507,487,583 EP
+40,555,774 EP
2021-08-26 206 1,466,931,809 EP
+2,744,224 EP
2021-08-25 206 1,464,187,585 EP
+4,661,945 EP
2021-08-24 206 1,459,525,640 EP
0 EP
Total 39 Day(s): 223,367,792 EP

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