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Rajakambek -
Compare Rajakambek with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 197
World 9
Guild: Lost Lake
Rank: 17
Achievements: 0
Points: 262
1,227,426,903 EP 39% 15,302,287 EP
Left For Level
If Rajakambek Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-24,548,538 -61,371,345 -122,742,690
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -24,548,538 -61,371,345

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-12-05 197 1,227,426,903 EP
+141,202 EP
2021-12-04 197 1,227,285,701 EP
+1,203 EP
2021-12-03 197 1,227,284,498 EP
+417,676 EP
2021-12-02 197 1,226,866,822 EP
+107,050 EP
2021-12-01 197 1,226,759,772 EP
+215,620 EP
2021-11-30 197 1,226,544,152 EP
+701,771 EP
2021-11-29 197 1,225,842,381 EP
+767,638 EP
2021-11-28 197 1,225,074,743 EP
+2,251,393 EP
2021-11-27 197 1,222,823,350 EP
+556,662 EP
2021-11-26 197 1,222,266,688 EP
+1,136,875 EP
2021-11-25 197 1,221,129,813 EP
+1,117,904 EP
2021-11-24 197 1,220,011,909 EP
+915,824 EP
2021-11-23 197 1,219,096,085 EP
+1,008,391 EP
2021-11-22 197 1,218,087,694 EP
+1,628,228 EP
2021-11-21 196 1,216,459,466 EP
+1,538,739 EP
2021-11-20 196 1,214,920,727 EP
+2,216,630 EP
2021-11-19 196 1,212,704,097 EP
+842,798 EP
2021-11-18 196 1,211,861,299 EP
+1,179,846 EP
2021-11-17 196 1,210,681,453 EP
+618,367 EP
2021-11-16 196 1,210,063,086 EP
+462,315 EP
2021-11-15 196 1,209,600,771 EP
+403,974 EP
2021-11-14 196 1,209,196,797 EP
+333,348 EP
2021-11-13 196 1,208,863,449 EP
+1,199,440 EP
2021-11-12 196 1,207,664,009 EP
+931,694 EP
2021-11-11 196 1,206,732,315 EP
+1,618,142 EP
2021-11-10 196 1,205,114,173 EP
+999,730 EP
2021-11-09 196 1,204,114,443 EP
+495,313 EP
2021-11-08 196 1,203,619,130 EP
+1,694,127 EP
2021-11-07 196 1,201,925,003 EP
+679,117 EP
2021-11-06 196 1,201,245,886 EP
+1,378,426 EP
2021-11-05 196 1,199,867,460 EP
0 EP
Total 31 Day(s): 27,559,443 EP

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