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Rexus -
Compare Rexus with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 5
Level 129
World 35
Guild: Seoul City
Rank: 19
Achievements: 0
Points: 59
223,812,924 EP 49% 3,531,086 EP
Left For Level
If Rexus Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-4,476,258 -11,190,646 -22,381,292
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -4,476,258 -11,190,646

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-11-12 129 223,812,924 EP
0 EP
2023-11-11 129 223,812,924 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-10 129 223,805,124 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-09 129 223,797,324 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-08 129 223,789,524 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-07 129 223,781,724 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-06 129 223,773,924 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-05 129 223,766,124 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-04 129 223,758,324 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-03 129 223,750,524 EP
0 EP
2023-11-02 129 223,750,524 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-11-01 129 223,742,724 EP
+10,661 EP
2023-10-31 129 223,732,063 EP
+156,808 EP
2023-10-30 129 223,575,255 EP
+538,400 EP
2023-10-29 129 223,036,855 EP
+810,620 EP
2023-10-28 129 222,226,235 EP
+192,370 EP
2023-10-27 129 222,033,865 EP
+522,839 EP
2023-10-26 129 221,511,026 EP
+515,403 EP
2023-10-25 129 220,995,623 EP
+11,553 EP
2023-10-24 129 220,984,070 EP
+696,109 EP
2023-10-23 128 220,287,961 EP
+516,981 EP
2023-10-22 128 219,770,980 EP
+688,366 EP
2023-10-21 128 219,082,614 EP
+712,871 EP
2023-10-20 128 218,369,743 EP
+252,611 EP
2023-10-19 128 218,117,132 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-10-18 128 218,109,332 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-10-17 128 218,101,532 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-10-16 128 218,093,732 EP
+68,133 EP
2023-10-15 128 218,025,599 EP
+24,556 EP
2023-10-14 128 218,001,043 EP
+116,646 EP
2023-10-13 128 217,884,397 EP
+23,996 EP
2023-10-12 128 217,860,401 EP
+109,395 EP
2023-10-11 128 217,751,006 EP
+13,845 EP
2023-10-10 128 217,737,161 EP
+33,850 EP
2023-10-09 128 217,703,311 EP
+247,375 EP
2023-10-08 128 217,455,936 EP
+44,502 EP
2023-10-07 128 217,411,434 EP
+300,505 EP
2023-10-06 128 217,110,929 EP
+13,918 EP
2023-10-05 128 217,097,011 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-10-04 128 217,089,211 EP
+7,800 EP
2023-10-03 128 217,081,411 EP
+253,763 EP
2023-10-02 128 216,827,648 EP
+171,379 EP
2023-10-01 128 216,656,269 EP
+320,964 EP
2023-09-30 128 216,335,305 EP
+293,173 EP
2023-09-29 128 216,042,132 EP
+346,620 EP
2023-09-28 128 215,695,512 EP
0 EP
Total 46 Day(s): 8,117,412 EP

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