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Artemka -
Compare Artemka with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 152
World 1
Guild: My Life
Rank: 14
Achievements: 0
Points: 163
434,285,948 EP 57% 4,902,092 EP
Left For Level
If Artemka Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-8,685,719 -21,714,297 -43,428,595
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -8,685,719 -21,714,297

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-11-15 152 434,285,948 EP
+823,904 EP
2021-11-14 152 433,462,044 EP
+911,204 EP
2021-11-13 152 432,550,840 EP
+1,183,623 EP
2021-11-12 152 431,367,217 EP
+1,368,173 EP
2021-11-11 152 429,999,044 EP
+1,252,273 EP
2021-11-10 152 428,746,771 EP
+1,276,229 EP
2021-11-09 151 427,470,542 EP
+1,502,833 EP
2021-11-08 151 425,967,709 EP
+2,085,430 EP
2021-11-07 151 423,882,279 EP
+1,215,620 EP
2021-11-06 151 422,666,659 EP
+2,090,415 EP
2021-11-05 151 420,576,244 EP
+1,901,943 EP
2021-11-04 151 418,674,301 EP
+1,515,345 EP
2021-11-03 151 417,158,956 EP
+988,746 EP
2021-11-02 150 416,170,210 EP
+1,122,243 EP
2021-11-01 150 415,047,967 EP
+1,017,614 EP
2021-10-31 150 414,030,353 EP
+1,545,772 EP
2021-10-30 150 412,484,581 EP
+1,224,658 EP
2021-10-29 150 411,259,923 EP
+1,102,479 EP
2021-10-28 150 410,157,444 EP
+1,041,681 EP
2021-10-27 150 409,115,763 EP
+1,154,754 EP
2021-10-26 150 407,961,009 EP
+1,284,371 EP
2021-10-25 150 406,676,638 EP
+308,384 EP
2021-10-24 150 406,368,254 EP
+931,437 EP
2021-10-23 150 405,436,817 EP
+1,212,804 EP
2021-10-22 149 404,224,013 EP
+1,296,181 EP
2021-10-21 149 402,927,832 EP
+1,230,605 EP
2021-10-20 149 401,697,227 EP
+1,298,396 EP
2021-10-19 149 400,398,831 EP
+1,161,621 EP
2021-10-18 149 399,237,210 EP
+1,240,625 EP
2021-10-17 149 397,996,585 EP
+1,162,284 EP
2021-10-16 149 396,834,301 EP
+1,244,363 EP
2021-10-15 149 395,589,938 EP
+1,077,150 EP
2021-10-14 148 394,512,788 EP
+574,222 EP
2021-10-13 148 393,938,566 EP
+1,297,280 EP
2021-10-12 148 392,641,286 EP
+1,008,404 EP
2021-10-11 148 391,632,882 EP
+1,052,292 EP
2021-10-10 148 390,580,590 EP
+904,034 EP
2021-10-09 148 389,676,556 EP
+569,492 EP
2021-10-08 148 389,107,064 EP
+732,200 EP
2021-10-07 148 388,374,864 EP
+742,514 EP
2021-10-06 148 387,632,350 EP
+630,681 EP
2021-10-05 148 387,001,669 EP
+82,480 EP
2021-10-04 148 386,919,189 EP
+1,391,911 EP
2021-10-03 148 385,527,278 EP
+860,198 EP
2021-10-02 148 384,667,080 EP
+1,416,310 EP
2021-10-01 147 383,250,770 EP
+1,035,655 EP
2021-09-30 147 382,215,115 EP
0 EP
Total 47 Day(s): 52,070,833 EP

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