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Escudeiro -
Compare Escudeiro with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 167
World 11
Guild: Guerreiros
Rank: 0
Achievements: 94
Points: 366
638,118,547 EP 83% 2,538,543 EP
Left For Level
If Escudeiro Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-12,762,371 -31,905,927 -63,811,855
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -12,762,371 -31,905,927

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2025-03-14 167 638,118,547 EP
0 EP
2025-03-13 167 638,118,547 EP
0 EP
2025-03-12 167 638,118,547 EP
+277,632 EP
2025-03-11 167 637,840,915 EP
+116,099 EP
2025-03-10 167 637,724,816 EP
+384,969 EP
2025-03-09 167 637,339,847 EP
+236,832 EP
2025-03-08 167 637,103,015 EP
+293,337 EP
2025-03-07 167 636,809,678 EP
+308,235 EP
2025-03-06 167 636,501,443 EP
+256,699 EP
2025-03-05 167 636,244,744 EP
+75,569 EP
2025-03-04 167 636,169,175 EP
+219,618 EP
2025-03-03 167 635,949,557 EP
+359,418 EP
2025-03-02 167 635,590,139 EP
+279,013 EP
2025-03-01 167 635,311,126 EP
+396,660 EP
2025-02-28 167 634,914,466 EP
+224,900 EP
2025-02-27 167 634,689,566 EP
+205,618 EP
2025-02-26 167 634,483,948 EP
+230,688 EP
2025-02-25 167 634,253,260 EP
+83,385 EP
2025-02-24 167 634,169,875 EP
+515,820 EP
2025-02-23 167 633,654,055 EP
+206,653 EP
2025-02-22 167 633,447,402 EP
+321,473 EP
2025-02-21 167 633,125,929 EP
+18,335 EP
2025-02-20 167 633,107,594 EP
+59,746 EP
2025-02-19 167 633,047,848 EP
+44,266 EP
2025-02-18 167 633,003,582 EP
0 EP
2025-02-17 167 633,003,582 EP
0 EP
2025-02-16 167 633,003,582 EP
+74,505 EP
2025-02-15 167 632,929,077 EP
+96,410 EP
2025-02-14 167 632,832,667 EP
0 EP
2025-02-13 167 632,832,667 EP
+9,296 EP
2025-02-12 167 632,823,371 EP
0 EP
2025-02-11 167 632,823,371 EP
0 EP
2025-02-10 167 632,823,371 EP
0 EP
2025-02-09 167 632,823,371 EP
+25,861 EP
2025-02-08 167 632,797,510 EP
+21,532 EP
2025-02-07 167 632,775,978 EP
+125,467 EP
2025-02-06 167 632,650,511 EP
+129,100 EP
2025-02-05 167 632,521,411 EP
+35,882 EP
2025-02-04 167 632,485,529 EP
+95,006 EP
2025-02-03 167 632,390,523 EP
+50,626 EP
2025-02-02 167 632,339,897 EP
0 EP
2025-02-01 167 632,339,897 EP
+214,621 EP
2025-01-31 167 632,125,276 EP
+13,454 EP
2025-01-30 167 632,111,822 EP
+147,162 EP
2025-01-29 167 631,964,660 EP
+122,447 EP
2025-01-28 167 631,842,213 EP
+389,307 EP
2025-01-27 167 631,452,906 EP
+37,327 EP
2025-01-26 167 631,415,579 EP
+328,812 EP
2025-01-25 167 631,086,767 EP
+230,122 EP
2025-01-24 167 630,856,645 EP
+242,621 EP
2025-01-23 167 630,614,024 EP
+232,858 EP
2025-01-22 167 630,381,166 EP
+92,463 EP
2025-01-21 167 630,288,703 EP
+73,199 EP
2025-01-20 167 630,215,504 EP
+24,547 EP
2025-01-19 167 630,190,957 EP
+85,985 EP
2025-01-18 167 630,104,972 EP
+296,716 EP
2025-01-17 167 629,808,256 EP
0 EP
2025-01-16 167 629,808,256 EP
0 EP
2025-01-15 167 629,808,256 EP
0 EP
2025-01-14 167 629,808,256 EP
0 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 8,310,291 EP

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