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Ishotz -
Compare Ishotz with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 178
World 9
Guild: Truth One
Rank: 33
Achievements: 0
Points: 313
810,979,311 EP 10% 16,475,049 EP
Left For Level
If Ishotz Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-16,219,586 -40,548,966 -81,097,931
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -16,219,586 -40,548,966

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2022-03-13 178 810,979,311 EP
+132,690 EP
2022-03-12 178 810,846,621 EP
+38,322 EP
2022-03-11 178 810,808,299 EP
+22,749 EP
2022-03-10 178 810,785,550 EP
+891,099 EP
2022-03-09 178 809,894,451 EP
+334,538 EP
2022-03-08 178 809,559,913 EP
+410,803 EP
2022-03-07 178 809,149,110 EP
+1,229,364 EP
2022-03-06 177 807,919,746 EP
+1,807,536 EP
2022-03-05 177 806,112,210 EP
+344,063 EP
2022-03-04 177 805,768,147 EP
+1,639,569 EP
2022-03-03 177 804,128,578 EP
+890,141 EP
2022-03-02 177 803,238,437 EP
+884,964 EP
2022-03-01 177 802,353,473 EP
+831,365 EP
2022-02-28 177 801,522,108 EP
+1,677,444 EP
2022-02-27 177 799,844,664 EP
+2,405,146 EP
2022-02-26 177 797,439,518 EP
+114,413 EP
2022-02-25 177 797,325,105 EP
+1,988,918 EP
2022-02-24 177 795,336,187 EP
+1,407,539 EP
2022-02-23 177 793,928,648 EP
+137,264 EP
2022-02-22 177 793,791,384 EP
+1,405,885 EP
2022-02-21 177 792,385,499 EP
+246,351 EP
2022-02-20 177 792,139,148 EP
+1,104,247 EP
2022-02-19 177 791,034,901 EP
+597,176 EP
2022-02-18 176 790,437,725 EP
+769,601 EP
2022-02-17 176 789,668,124 EP
+357,744 EP
2022-02-16 176 789,310,380 EP
+233,371 EP
2022-02-15 176 789,077,009 EP
+261,664 EP
2022-02-14 176 788,815,345 EP
+456,583 EP
2022-02-13 176 788,358,762 EP
+32,384 EP
2022-02-12 176 788,326,378 EP
+453,297 EP
2022-02-11 176 787,873,081 EP
+1,686,729 EP
2022-02-10 176 786,186,352 EP
+542,785 EP
2022-02-09 176 785,643,567 EP
0 EP
Total 33 Day(s): 25,335,744 EP

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