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Lalita -
Compare Lalita with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 114
World 34
Guild: Fly Eagle
Rank: 15
Achievements: 0
Points: 147
133,661,108 EP 1% 4,735,652 EP
Left For Level
If Lalita Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-2,673,222 -6,683,055 -13,366,111
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -2,673,222 -6,683,055

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-05-12 114 133,661,108 EP
+2,503 EP
2020-05-11 114 133,658,605 EP
+2,965,042 EP
2020-05-10 113 130,693,563 EP
0 EP
2020-05-06 109 115,304,418 EP
+608,746 EP
2020-05-05 109 114,695,672 EP
+1,556,271 EP
2020-05-04 109 113,139,401 EP
+2,787,390 EP
2020-05-03 108 110,352,011 EP
+1,186,469 EP
2020-05-02 108 109,165,542 EP
+2,510,953 EP
2020-05-01 107 106,654,589 EP
+4,551,779 EP
2020-04-30 106 102,102,810 EP
+2,116,001 EP
2020-04-29 106 99,986,809 EP
+1,173,112 EP
2020-04-28 105 98,813,697 EP
+10,660,896 EP
2020-04-27 102 88,152,801 EP
-8,572,583 EP
2020-04-26 105 96,725,384 EP
+705,781 EP
2020-04-25 105 96,019,603 EP
+1,145,469 EP
2020-04-24 104 94,874,134 EP
+1,199,612 EP
2020-04-23 104 93,674,522 EP
+1,179,348 EP
2020-04-22 104 92,495,174 EP
+2,447,510 EP
2020-04-21 103 90,047,664 EP
+1,174,205 EP
2020-04-20 103 88,873,459 EP
+10,035,235 EP
2020-04-19 100 78,838,224 EP
-17,529,982 EP
2020-04-18 105 96,368,206 EP
+1,357,588 EP
2020-04-17 104 95,010,618 EP
+1,849,107 EP
2020-04-16 104 93,161,511 EP
+763,112 EP
2020-04-15 104 92,398,399 EP
+1,715,264 EP
2020-04-14 103 90,683,135 EP
+743,546 EP
2020-04-13 103 89,939,589 EP
+867,786 EP
2020-04-12 103 89,071,803 EP
+1,614,603 EP
2020-04-11 102 87,457,200 EP
+630,563 EP
2020-04-10 102 86,826,637 EP
+474,504 EP
2020-04-09 102 86,352,133 EP
+1,005,886 EP
2020-04-08 102 85,346,247 EP
-1,367,133 EP
2020-04-07 102 86,713,380 EP
+1,184,745 EP
2020-04-06 102 85,528,635 EP
+1,423,049 EP
2020-04-05 101 84,105,586 EP
+769,590 EP
2020-04-04 101 83,335,996 EP
+82,101 EP
2020-04-03 101 83,253,895 EP
+622,953 EP
2020-04-02 101 82,630,942 EP
+1,069,339 EP
2020-04-01 100 81,561,603 EP
+102,156 EP
2020-03-31 100 81,459,447 EP
+41,021 EP
2020-03-30 100 81,418,426 EP
0 EP
Total 41 Day(s): 36,853,537 EP

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