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Mralfiy -
Compare Mralfiy with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 188
World 32
Guild: Sataniclan
Rank: 51
Achievements: 0
Points: 297
1,021,657,080 EP 60% 8,591,380 EP
Left For Level
If Mralfiy Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-20,433,142 -51,082,854 -102,165,708
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -20,433,142 -51,082,854

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-06-08 188 1,021,657,080 EP
+187,014 EP
2021-06-07 188 1,021,470,066 EP
+1,762,387 EP
2021-06-06 188 1,019,707,679 EP
+1,222,352 EP
2021-06-05 188 1,018,485,327 EP
+1,972,580 EP
2021-06-04 188 1,016,512,747 EP
+717,276 EP
2021-06-03 188 1,015,795,471 EP
+62,376 EP
2021-06-02 188 1,015,733,095 EP
0 EP
2021-06-01 188 1,015,733,095 EP
+767,253 EP
2021-05-31 188 1,014,965,842 EP
+597,852 EP
2021-05-30 188 1,014,367,990 EP
+698,694 EP
2021-05-29 188 1,013,669,296 EP
+19,200 EP
2021-05-28 188 1,013,650,096 EP
+83,433 EP
2021-05-27 188 1,013,566,663 EP
+38,252 EP
2021-05-26 188 1,013,528,411 EP
+29,578 EP
2021-05-25 188 1,013,498,833 EP
+5,298 EP
2021-05-24 188 1,013,493,535 EP
0 EP
2021-05-23 188 1,013,493,535 EP
+63,704 EP
2021-05-22 188 1,013,429,831 EP
0 EP
2021-05-21 188 1,013,429,831 EP
+21,213 EP
2021-05-20 188 1,013,408,618 EP
+709,907 EP
2021-05-19 188 1,012,698,711 EP
+1,089,302 EP
2021-05-18 188 1,011,609,409 EP
+725,200 EP
2021-05-17 188 1,010,884,209 EP
+769,177 EP
2021-05-16 188 1,010,115,032 EP
+773,784 EP
2021-05-15 188 1,009,341,248 EP
+297,311 EP
2021-05-14 188 1,009,043,937 EP
+110,964 EP
2021-05-13 188 1,008,932,973 EP
0 EP
2021-05-12 188 1,008,932,973 EP
0 EP
2021-05-11 188 1,008,932,973 EP
+445,572 EP
2021-05-10 188 1,008,487,401 EP
+507,480 EP
2021-05-09 187 1,007,979,921 EP
+446,820 EP
2021-05-08 187 1,007,533,101 EP
+254,680 EP
2021-05-07 187 1,007,278,421 EP
+998,577 EP
2021-05-06 187 1,006,279,844 EP
+1,002,082 EP
2021-05-05 187 1,005,277,762 EP
+2,344,350 EP
2021-05-04 187 1,002,933,412 EP
+2,974,224 EP
2021-05-03 187 999,959,188 EP
+1,243,049 EP
2021-05-02 187 998,716,139 EP
+18,280,239 EP
2021-05-01 186 980,435,900 EP
+2,323,403 EP
2021-04-30 186 978,112,497 EP
+14,717,739 EP
2021-04-29 185 963,394,758 EP
+1,733,372 EP
2021-04-28 185 961,661,386 EP
0 EP
Total 42 Day(s): 59,995,694 EP

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