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Ezadellina -
Compare Ezadellina with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 226
World 32
Guild: Born2kill
Rank: 10
Achievements: 0
Points: 302
2,123,456,484 EP 16% 31,738,276 EP
Left For Level
If Ezadellina Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-42,469,130 -106,172,824 -212,345,648
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -42,469,130 -106,172,824

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-02-17 226 2,123,456,484 EP
+877,701 EP
2021-02-16 226 2,122,578,783 EP
+903,347 EP
2021-02-15 226 2,121,675,436 EP
+1,075,087 EP
2021-02-14 226 2,120,600,349 EP
+1,243,223 EP
2021-02-13 226 2,119,357,126 EP
+1,478,032 EP
2021-02-12 226 2,117,879,094 EP
+1,670,102 EP
2021-02-11 225 2,116,208,992 EP
+1,651,284 EP
2021-02-10 225 2,114,557,708 EP
+931,024 EP
2021-02-09 225 2,113,626,684 EP
+1,191,680 EP
2021-02-08 225 2,112,435,004 EP
+1,142,397 EP
2021-02-07 225 2,111,292,607 EP
+1,337,771 EP
2021-02-06 225 2,109,954,836 EP
+1,638,409 EP
2021-02-05 225 2,108,316,427 EP
+1,352,762 EP
2021-02-04 225 2,106,963,665 EP
+1,467,879 EP
2021-02-03 225 2,105,495,786 EP
+1,456,660 EP
2021-02-02 225 2,104,039,126 EP
+1,086,710 EP
2021-02-01 225 2,102,952,416 EP
+963,789 EP
2021-01-31 225 2,101,988,627 EP
+448,315 EP
2021-01-30 225 2,101,540,312 EP
+1,453,225 EP
2021-01-29 225 2,100,087,087 EP
+1,232,564 EP
2021-01-28 225 2,098,854,523 EP
+1,379,006 EP
2021-01-27 225 2,097,475,517 EP
+1,463,695 EP
2021-01-26 225 2,096,011,822 EP
+1,100,152 EP
2021-01-25 225 2,094,911,670 EP
+1,232,756 EP
2021-01-24 225 2,093,678,914 EP
+871,325 EP
2021-01-23 225 2,092,807,589 EP
+1,108,931 EP
2021-01-22 225 2,091,698,658 EP
+1,750,879 EP
2021-01-21 225 2,089,947,779 EP
+1,349,132 EP
2021-01-20 225 2,088,598,647 EP
+1,354,933 EP
2021-01-19 225 2,087,243,714 EP
0 EP
Total 30 Day(s): 36,212,770 EP

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