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Gallantbr -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 138
World 39
Guild: Game Over
Rank: 6
Achievements: 97
Points: 170
292,755,148 EP 38% 5,267,812 EP
Left For Level
If Gallantbr Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-5,855,103 -14,637,757 -29,275,515
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -5,855,103 -14,637,757

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2025-03-14 138 292,755,148 EP
+33,356 EP
2025-03-13 138 292,721,792 EP
+1,162,105 EP
2025-03-12 138 291,559,687 EP
+1,068,432 EP
2025-03-11 138 290,491,255 EP
+968,334 EP
2025-03-10 138 289,522,921 EP
+812,612 EP
2025-03-09 137 288,710,309 EP
+1,164,158 EP
2025-03-08 137 287,546,151 EP
+1,216,801 EP
2025-03-07 137 286,329,350 EP
+1,189,502 EP
2025-03-06 137 285,139,848 EP
+1,140,249 EP
2025-03-05 137 283,999,599 EP
+1,211,768 EP
2025-03-04 137 282,787,831 EP
+1,647,454 EP
2025-03-03 137 281,140,377 EP
+1,322,905 EP
2025-03-02 136 279,817,472 EP
+1,940,180 EP
2025-03-01 136 277,877,292 EP
+2,257,891 EP
2025-02-28 136 275,619,401 EP
+2,183,882 EP
2025-02-27 136 273,435,519 EP
+1,235,770 EP
2025-02-26 135 272,199,749 EP
+848,866 EP
2025-02-25 135 271,350,883 EP
+1,236,440 EP
2025-02-24 135 270,114,443 EP
+1,202,252 EP
2025-02-23 135 268,912,191 EP
+1,155,924 EP
2025-02-22 135 267,756,267 EP
+1,106,152 EP
2025-02-21 135 266,650,115 EP
+993,620 EP
2025-02-20 135 265,656,495 EP
+1,133,775 EP
2025-02-19 134 264,522,720 EP
+771,436 EP
2025-02-18 134 263,751,284 EP
+989,451 EP
2025-02-17 134 262,761,833 EP
+1,089,367 EP
2025-02-16 134 261,672,466 EP
+1,210,679 EP
2025-02-15 134 260,461,787 EP
+1,237,679 EP
2025-02-14 134 259,224,108 EP
+1,149,576 EP
2025-02-13 134 258,074,532 EP
+1,124,211 EP
2025-02-12 133 256,950,321 EP
+1,216,053 EP
2025-02-11 133 255,734,268 EP
+1,248,231 EP
2025-02-10 133 254,486,037 EP
+828,166 EP
2025-02-09 133 253,657,871 EP
+1,236,949 EP
2025-02-08 133 252,420,922 EP
+1,261,309 EP
2025-02-07 133 251,159,613 EP
+1,169,571 EP
2025-02-06 133 249,990,042 EP
+1,178,334 EP
2025-02-05 132 248,811,708 EP
+985,695 EP
2025-02-04 132 247,826,013 EP
+1,033,526 EP
2025-02-03 132 246,792,487 EP
+1,112,245 EP
2025-02-02 132 245,680,242 EP
+1,388,758 EP
2025-02-01 132 244,291,484 EP
+2,043,078 EP
2025-01-31 132 242,248,406 EP
+990,346 EP
2025-01-30 131 241,258,060 EP
+678,153 EP
2025-01-29 131 240,579,907 EP
+1,167,847 EP
2025-01-28 131 239,412,060 EP
+1,210,100 EP
2025-01-27 131 238,201,960 EP
+997,184 EP
2025-01-26 131 237,204,776 EP
+1,275,056 EP
2025-01-25 131 235,929,720 EP
+1,862,161 EP
2025-01-24 130 234,067,559 EP
+1,168,514 EP
2025-01-23 130 232,899,045 EP
+1,260,035 EP
2025-01-22 130 231,639,010 EP
+1,255,675 EP
2025-01-21 130 230,383,335 EP
+1,166,585 EP
2025-01-20 130 229,216,750 EP
+801,760 EP
2025-01-19 130 228,414,990 EP
+1,209,176 EP
2025-01-18 129 227,205,814 EP
+1,274,925 EP
2025-01-17 129 225,930,889 EP
+1,095,886 EP
2025-01-16 129 224,835,003 EP
+1,057,004 EP
2025-01-15 129 223,777,999 EP
+978,846 EP
2025-01-14 129 222,799,153 EP
+917,163 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 70,873,158 EP

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