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Gothfirez -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 218
World 32
Guild: Born2kill
Rank: 10
Achievements: 0
Points: 277
1,851,936,991 EP 60% 13,340,769 EP
Left For Level
If Gothfirez Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-37,038,740 -92,596,850 -185,193,699
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -37,038,740 -92,596,850

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-12-29 218 1,851,936,991 EP
+1,428 EP
2020-12-28 218 1,851,935,563 EP
+1,941,114 EP
2020-12-27 218 1,849,994,449 EP
+633,940 EP
2020-12-26 218 1,849,360,509 EP
+1,358,365 EP
2020-12-25 218 1,848,002,144 EP
+1,763,925 EP
2020-12-24 218 1,846,238,219 EP
+1,653,315 EP
2020-12-23 218 1,844,584,904 EP
+955,440 EP
2020-12-22 218 1,843,629,464 EP
+2,544,314 EP
2020-12-21 218 1,841,085,150 EP
+2,255,528 EP
2020-12-20 218 1,838,829,622 EP
+983,285 EP
2020-12-19 218 1,837,846,337 EP
+963,220 EP
2020-12-18 218 1,836,883,117 EP
+1,116,618 EP
2020-12-17 218 1,835,766,499 EP
+405,024 EP
2020-12-16 218 1,835,361,475 EP
+1,297,056 EP
2020-12-15 218 1,834,064,419 EP
+1,118,971 EP
2020-12-14 218 1,832,945,448 EP
+669,401 EP
2020-12-13 218 1,832,276,047 EP
+826,210 EP
2020-12-12 218 1,831,449,837 EP
+299,247 EP
2020-12-11 217 1,831,150,590 EP
+2,234,894 EP
2020-12-10 217 1,828,915,696 EP
+1,075,328 EP
2020-12-09 217 1,827,840,368 EP
+260,304 EP
2020-12-08 217 1,827,580,064 EP
+2,034,009 EP
2020-12-07 217 1,825,546,055 EP
+2,711,312 EP
2020-12-06 217 1,822,834,743 EP
+2,626,123 EP
2020-12-05 217 1,820,208,620 EP
+2,729,273 EP
2020-12-04 217 1,817,479,347 EP
+2,680,622 EP
2020-12-03 217 1,814,798,725 EP
+2,667,622 EP
2020-12-02 217 1,812,131,103 EP
+2,593,664 EP
2020-12-01 217 1,809,537,439 EP
+2,341,639 EP
2020-11-30 217 1,807,195,800 EP
+2,738,967 EP
2020-11-29 217 1,804,456,833 EP
+2,477,682 EP
2020-11-28 217 1,801,979,151 EP
+2,321,669 EP
2020-11-27 217 1,799,657,482 EP
+2,660,650 EP
2020-11-26 216 1,796,996,832 EP
+2,327,719 EP
2020-11-25 216 1,794,669,113 EP
+2,106,656 EP
2020-11-24 216 1,792,562,457 EP
+2,982,399 EP
2020-11-23 216 1,789,580,058 EP
+2,314,579 EP
2020-11-22 216 1,787,265,479 EP
+1,565,056 EP
2020-11-21 216 1,785,700,423 EP
+2,279,116 EP
2020-11-20 216 1,783,421,307 EP
+2,484,718 EP
2020-11-19 216 1,780,936,589 EP
+2,381,667 EP
2020-11-18 216 1,778,554,922 EP
+2,774,079 EP
2020-11-17 216 1,775,780,843 EP
0 EP
Total 43 Day(s): 76,156,148 EP

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