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Mwapi -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 178
World 32
Guild: Militaryw8
Rank: 7
Achievements: 0
Points: 277
819,109,850 EP 54% 8,344,510 EP
Left For Level
If Mwapi Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-16,382,197 -40,955,493 -81,910,985
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -16,382,197 -40,955,493

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-11-03 178 819,109,850 EP
0 EP
2020-11-02 178 819,109,850 EP
+213,447 EP
2020-11-01 178 818,896,403 EP
+481,615 EP
2020-10-31 178 818,414,788 EP
+27,034 EP
2020-10-30 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-29 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-28 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-27 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-26 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-25 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-24 178 818,387,754 EP
0 EP
2020-10-23 178 818,387,754 EP
+29,001 EP
2020-10-22 178 818,358,753 EP
+760,782 EP
2020-10-21 178 817,597,971 EP
+1,162,492 EP
2020-10-20 178 816,435,479 EP
+720,608 EP
2020-10-19 178 815,714,871 EP
+606,635 EP
2020-10-18 178 815,108,236 EP
+1,050,905 EP
2020-10-17 178 814,057,331 EP
+1,135,962 EP
2020-10-16 178 812,921,369 EP
+72,882 EP
2020-10-15 178 812,848,487 EP
+749,045 EP
2020-10-14 178 812,099,442 EP
+2,052,643 EP
2020-10-13 178 810,046,799 EP
+2,153,156 EP
2020-10-12 177 807,893,643 EP
+20,491 EP
2020-10-11 177 807,873,152 EP
+1,543,096 EP
2020-10-10 177 806,330,056 EP
+697,964 EP
2020-10-09 177 805,632,092 EP
+1,200,860 EP
2020-10-08 177 804,431,232 EP
+1,108,169 EP
2020-10-07 177 803,323,063 EP
+642,179 EP
2020-10-06 177 802,680,884 EP
+1,112,805 EP
2020-10-05 177 801,568,079 EP
+1,142,157 EP
2020-10-04 177 800,425,922 EP
+3,095 EP
2020-10-03 177 800,422,827 EP
+139,024 EP
2020-10-02 177 800,283,803 EP
+521,343 EP
2020-10-01 177 799,762,460 EP
+1,318,159 EP
2020-09-30 177 798,444,301 EP
+1,030,301 EP
2020-09-29 177 797,414,000 EP
0 EP
2020-09-28 177 797,414,000 EP
+602,734 EP
2020-09-27 177 796,811,266 EP
+885,189 EP
2020-09-26 177 795,926,077 EP
+1,346,878 EP
2020-09-25 177 794,579,199 EP
+137,487 EP
2020-09-24 177 794,441,712 EP
+992,077 EP
2020-09-23 177 793,449,635 EP
+2,559,669 EP
2020-09-22 177 790,889,966 EP
+2,700,642 EP
2020-09-21 176 788,189,324 EP
+628,591 EP
2020-09-20 176 787,560,733 EP
+1,466,091 EP
2020-09-19 176 786,094,642 EP
+505,479 EP
2020-09-18 176 785,589,163 EP
+2,014,760 EP
2020-09-17 176 783,574,403 EP
+1,382,102 EP
2020-09-16 176 782,192,301 EP
+431,331 EP
2020-09-15 176 781,760,970 EP
+497,451 EP
2020-09-14 176 781,263,519 EP
+1,079,413 EP
2020-09-13 176 780,184,106 EP
+880,244 EP
2020-09-12 176 779,303,862 EP
+1,070,998 EP
2020-09-11 176 778,232,864 EP
+734,029 EP
2020-09-10 176 777,498,835 EP
+927,792 EP
2020-09-09 176 776,571,043 EP
+1,202,208 EP
2020-09-08 176 775,368,835 EP
+1,206,887 EP
2020-09-07 176 774,161,948 EP
+955,524 EP
2020-09-06 176 773,206,424 EP
+10,505 EP
2020-09-05 176 773,195,919 EP
+1,071,387 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 46,985,318 EP

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