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Seperhero -
Compare Seperhero with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 10
Level 207
World 23
Guild: Angkor Kh
Rank: 11
Achievements: 0
Points: 355
1,501,890,478 EP 52% 13,750,412 EP
Left For Level
If Seperhero Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-30,037,810 -75,094,524 -150,189,048
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -30,037,810 -75,094,524

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-07-21 207 1,501,890,478 EP
0 EP
2023-07-20 207 1,501,890,478 EP
+2,760,227 EP
2023-07-19 207 1,499,130,251 EP
+2,997,835 EP
2023-07-18 207 1,496,132,416 EP
+2,119,311 EP
2023-07-17 207 1,494,013,105 EP
+2,259,395 EP
2023-07-16 207 1,491,753,710 EP
+1,925,099 EP
2023-07-15 207 1,489,828,611 EP
+2,070,347 EP
2023-07-14 207 1,487,758,264 EP
+2,649,554 EP
2023-07-13 206 1,485,108,710 EP
+20,623 EP
2023-07-12 206 1,485,088,087 EP
+2,479,701 EP
2023-07-11 206 1,482,608,386 EP
+2,410,590 EP
2023-07-10 206 1,480,197,796 EP
+2,205,120 EP
2023-07-09 206 1,477,992,676 EP
0 EP
2023-07-07 206 1,473,777,927 EP
+2,882,329 EP
2023-07-06 206 1,470,895,598 EP
+1,345,019 EP
2023-07-05 206 1,469,550,579 EP
+1,619,508 EP
2023-07-04 206 1,467,931,071 EP
+580,047 EP
2023-07-03 206 1,467,351,024 EP
+568,454 EP
2023-07-02 206 1,466,782,570 EP
+1,624,667 EP
2023-07-01 206 1,465,157,903 EP
+1,885,608 EP
2023-06-30 206 1,463,272,295 EP
+5,029,791 EP
2023-06-29 206 1,458,242,504 EP
+583 EP
2023-06-28 206 1,458,241,921 EP
+24,089 EP
2023-06-27 206 1,458,217,832 EP
+14,716 EP
2023-06-26 206 1,458,203,116 EP
+65,071 EP
2023-06-25 206 1,458,138,045 EP
+256,945 EP
2023-06-24 206 1,457,881,100 EP
+23,917 EP
2023-06-23 206 1,457,857,183 EP
+754,407 EP
2023-06-22 205 1,457,102,776 EP
+1,250,316 EP
2023-06-21 205 1,455,852,460 EP
+1,765,095 EP
2023-06-20 205 1,454,087,365 EP
+1,143,130 EP
2023-06-19 205 1,452,944,235 EP
0 EP
Total 32 Day(s): 44,731,494 EP

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