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Guild View - N O V A -
Rank: 48 World: 39
Exp: 53,529 EP
Guild Members
1 Joker 125 Lvl 195,015,552 EP
2 Gottyy 106 Lvl 102,500,675 EP
3 Eldor 91 Lvl 54,338,562 EP
4 Leocabio 67 Lvl 15,870,241 EP
Date Experience EXP Gained
2024-10-08 53,529 EP +8,849 EP
2024-10-07 44,680 EP +19,015 EP
2024-10-06 25,665 EP +8,949 EP
2024-10-05 16,716 EP +4,930 EP
2024-10-04 11,786 EP +11,786 EP
2024-10-03 0 EP 0 EP

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