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Whiterosse -
Compare Whiterosse with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 196
World 23
Guild: 7 Ghost
Rank: 32
Achievements: 0
Points: 390
1,210,667,857 EP 71% 6,959,603 EP
Left For Level
If Whiterosse Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-24,213,357 -60,533,393 -121,066,786
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -24,213,357 -60,533,393

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-10-18 196 1,210,667,857 EP
+242,848 EP
2021-10-17 196 1,210,425,009 EP
+1,657,482 EP
2021-10-16 196 1,208,767,527 EP
+1,950,697 EP
2021-10-15 196 1,206,816,830 EP
+2,744,985 EP
2021-10-14 196 1,204,071,845 EP
+976,554 EP
2021-10-13 196 1,203,095,291 EP
+2,255,335 EP
2021-10-12 196 1,200,839,956 EP
+1,141,948 EP
2021-10-11 196 1,199,698,008 EP
+1,366,615 EP
2021-10-10 196 1,198,331,393 EP
+2,699,430 EP
2021-10-09 196 1,195,631,963 EP
+2,050,188 EP
2021-10-08 196 1,193,581,775 EP
+1,231,787 EP
2021-10-07 195 1,192,349,988 EP
+2,674,585 EP
2021-10-06 195 1,189,675,403 EP
+2,079,776 EP
2021-10-05 195 1,187,595,627 EP
+2,045,827 EP
2021-10-04 195 1,185,549,800 EP
+2,031,692 EP
2021-10-03 195 1,183,518,108 EP
+1,573,600 EP
2021-10-02 195 1,181,944,508 EP
+2,056,947 EP
2021-10-01 195 1,179,887,561 EP
+2,386,570 EP
2021-09-30 195 1,177,500,991 EP
+446,532 EP
2021-09-29 195 1,177,054,459 EP
+882,037 EP
2021-09-28 195 1,176,172,422 EP
+2,978,195 EP
2021-09-27 195 1,173,194,227 EP
+981,378 EP
2021-09-26 195 1,172,212,849 EP
+2,627,549 EP
2021-09-25 195 1,169,585,300 EP
+2,080,470 EP
2021-09-24 194 1,167,504,830 EP
+2,260,493 EP
2021-09-23 194 1,165,244,337 EP
+2,249,728 EP
2021-09-22 194 1,162,994,609 EP
+2,209,127 EP
2021-09-21 194 1,160,785,482 EP
+405,660 EP
2021-09-20 194 1,160,379,822 EP
0 EP
Total 29 Day(s): 50,288,035 EP

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