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Cinta -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 182
World 33
Guild: L A N L A
Rank: 5
Achievements: 0
Points: 178
891,253,367 EP 32% 13,335,773 EP
Left For Level
If Cinta Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-17,825,067 -44,562,668 -89,125,337
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -17,825,067 -44,562,668

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-04-27 182 891,253,367 EP
+439,980 EP
2023-04-26 182 890,813,387 EP
+690,135 EP
2023-04-25 182 890,123,252 EP
+443,055 EP
2023-04-24 182 889,680,197 EP
+459,645 EP
2023-04-23 182 889,220,552 EP
0 EP
2023-04-22 182 889,220,552 EP
+129,440 EP
2023-04-21 182 889,091,112 EP
+924,086 EP
2023-04-20 182 888,167,026 EP
+463,155 EP
2023-04-19 182 887,703,871 EP
+472,523 EP
2023-04-18 182 887,231,348 EP
+921,303 EP
2023-04-17 182 886,310,045 EP
+1,325,269 EP
2023-04-16 182 884,984,776 EP
+1,525,563 EP
2023-04-15 181 883,459,213 EP
+654,112 EP
2023-04-14 181 882,805,101 EP
+242,006 EP
2023-04-13 181 882,563,095 EP
+1,660,122 EP
2023-04-12 181 880,902,973 EP
+593,920 EP
2023-04-11 181 880,309,053 EP
+1,628,951 EP
2023-04-10 181 878,680,102 EP
+2,000,608 EP
2023-04-09 181 876,679,494 EP
0 EP
2022-01-30 140 308,404,985 EP
+236,237 EP
2022-01-29 140 308,168,748 EP
0 EP
2022-01-28 140 308,168,748 EP
+243,918 EP
2022-01-27 140 307,924,830 EP
+240,723 EP
2022-01-26 140 307,684,107 EP
0 EP
2022-01-25 140 307,684,107 EP
0 EP
2022-01-24 140 307,684,107 EP
0 EP
2022-01-23 140 307,684,107 EP
+22,739 EP
2022-01-22 140 307,661,368 EP
0 EP
2022-01-21 140 307,661,368 EP
0 EP
2021-11-18 173 732,306,881 EP
0 EP
2021-11-17 173 732,306,881 EP
0 EP
2021-11-16 173 732,306,881 EP
+122,317 EP
2021-11-15 173 732,184,564 EP
+214,720 EP
2021-11-14 173 731,969,844 EP
0 EP
2021-11-13 173 731,969,844 EP
+41,986 EP
2021-11-12 173 731,927,858 EP
0 EP
2021-11-11 173 731,927,858 EP
0 EP
2021-11-10 173 731,927,858 EP
0 EP
2021-11-09 173 731,927,858 EP
+18 EP
2021-11-08 173 731,927,840 EP
+437,307 EP
2021-11-07 173 731,490,533 EP
+1,271,018 EP
2021-11-06 173 730,219,515 EP
0 EP
2021-11-05 173 730,219,515 EP
+290,578 EP
2021-11-04 173 729,928,937 EP
+297,865 EP
2021-11-03 173 729,631,072 EP
+61,523 EP
2021-11-02 173 729,569,549 EP
+165,256 EP
2021-11-01 173 729,404,293 EP
0 EP
2019-05-15 137 284,983,445 EP
+92,661 EP
2019-05-14 137 284,890,784 EP
+969,501 EP
2019-05-13 137 283,921,283 EP
+888,750 EP
2019-05-12 137 283,032,533 EP
+331,022 EP
2019-05-11 137 282,701,511 EP
+684,137 EP
2019-05-10 137 282,017,374 EP
+297,616 EP
2019-05-09 137 281,719,758 EP
+913,666 EP
2019-05-08 136 280,806,092 EP
+1,297,289 EP
2019-05-07 136 279,508,803 EP
+1,049,000 EP
2019-05-06 136 278,459,803 EP
+894,963 EP
2019-05-05 136 277,564,840 EP
+274,935 EP
2019-05-04 136 277,289,905 EP
+1,007,979 EP
2019-05-03 136 276,281,926 EP
+168,053 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 27,089,650 EP

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