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Mrszetta -
Compare Mrszetta with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 218
World 37
Guild: Y4kuz4
Rank: 2
Achievements: 0
Points: 288
1,836,398,952 EP 15% 28,878,808 EP
Left For Level
If Mrszetta Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-36,727,979 -91,819,948 -183,639,895
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -36,727,979 -91,819,948

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2025-03-14 218 1,836,398,952 EP
0 EP
2025-03-13 218 1,836,398,952 EP
+3,414,746 EP
2025-03-12 218 1,832,984,206 EP
+2,697,615 EP
2025-03-11 217 1,830,286,591 EP
0 EP
2025-03-10 217 1,830,286,591 EP
0 EP
2025-03-09 217 1,830,286,591 EP
0 EP
2025-03-08 217 1,830,286,591 EP
+2,128,489 EP
2025-03-07 217 1,828,158,102 EP
+2,619,992 EP
2025-03-06 217 1,825,538,110 EP
+2,283,863 EP
2025-03-05 217 1,823,254,247 EP
+2,622,755 EP
2025-03-04 217 1,820,631,492 EP
+2,355,011 EP
2025-03-03 217 1,818,276,481 EP
+3,073,593 EP
2025-03-02 217 1,815,202,888 EP
+2,250,872 EP
2025-03-01 217 1,812,952,016 EP
+2,813,087 EP
2025-02-28 217 1,810,138,929 EP
+2,804,606 EP
2025-02-27 217 1,807,334,323 EP
+2,761,693 EP
2025-02-26 217 1,804,572,630 EP
+2,335,713 EP
2025-02-25 217 1,802,236,917 EP
+2,628,838 EP
2025-02-24 217 1,799,608,079 EP
+2,307,282 EP
2025-02-23 216 1,797,300,797 EP
+2,334,368 EP
2025-02-22 216 1,794,966,429 EP
+1,980,719 EP
2025-02-21 216 1,792,985,710 EP
+2,606,833 EP
2025-02-20 216 1,790,378,877 EP
+2,325,184 EP
2025-02-19 216 1,788,053,693 EP
+2,629,215 EP
2025-02-18 216 1,785,424,478 EP
+2,357,417 EP
2025-02-17 216 1,783,067,061 EP
+2,595,502 EP
2025-02-16 216 1,780,471,559 EP
+1,872,415 EP
2025-02-15 216 1,778,599,144 EP
+2,376,401 EP
2025-02-14 216 1,776,222,743 EP
+2,316,743 EP
2025-02-13 216 1,773,906,000 EP
+2,654,152 EP
2025-02-12 216 1,771,251,848 EP
+2,320,704 EP
2025-02-11 216 1,768,931,144 EP
+2,643,955 EP
2025-02-10 216 1,766,287,189 EP
+2,357,176 EP
2025-02-09 215 1,763,930,013 EP
+2,268,092 EP
2025-02-08 215 1,761,661,921 EP
+2,084,151 EP
2025-02-07 215 1,759,577,770 EP
+2,698,418 EP
2025-02-06 215 1,756,879,352 EP
+2,341,806 EP
2025-02-05 215 1,754,537,546 EP
+2,629,909 EP
2025-02-04 215 1,751,907,637 EP
+2,332,338 EP
2025-02-03 215 1,749,575,299 EP
+2,668,907 EP
2025-02-02 215 1,746,906,392 EP
0 EP
2025-02-01 215 1,746,906,392 EP
+2,699,977 EP
2025-01-31 215 1,744,206,415 EP
+2,336,989 EP
2025-01-30 215 1,741,869,426 EP
+2,639,098 EP
2025-01-29 215 1,739,230,328 EP
+2,331,226 EP
2025-01-28 215 1,736,899,102 EP
+2,627,226 EP
2025-01-27 215 1,734,271,876 EP
+2,434,286 EP
2025-01-26 215 1,731,837,590 EP
+2,169,101 EP
2025-01-25 214 1,729,668,489 EP
+2,430,177 EP
2025-01-24 214 1,727,238,312 EP
+2,160,889 EP
2025-01-23 214 1,725,077,423 EP
+2,366,537 EP
2025-01-22 214 1,722,710,886 EP
+2,649,915 EP
2025-01-21 214 1,720,060,971 EP
+2,382,451 EP
2025-01-20 214 1,717,678,520 EP
+2,794,995 EP
2025-01-19 214 1,714,883,525 EP
+2,034,857 EP
2025-01-18 214 1,712,848,668 EP
+2,592,951 EP
2025-01-17 214 1,710,255,717 EP
+2,295,870 EP
2025-01-16 214 1,707,959,847 EP
+2,655,726 EP
2025-01-15 214 1,705,304,121 EP
+2,314,398 EP
2025-01-14 214 1,702,989,723 EP
+2,607,903 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 136,017,132 EP

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