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All players with 299 Level -
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Level 299: 6,528,500,560 EP
Total Found Players with level 299: 12 Player
Rank Name Level World Experience Next Level: 300
1 Lietuwaa 299 36
6,606,555,658 88%
10,161,852 EP
2 Donvito 299 34
6,594,531,994 74%
22,185,516 EP
3 Liietuwaa 299 7
6,593,415,861 73%
23,301,649 EP
4 Liietuwa 299 7
6,593,082,126 73%
23,635,384 EP
5 Yenliang 299 23
6,588,998,659 68%
27,718,851 EP
6 Lietuwaaa 299 7
6,587,029,940 66%
29,687,570 EP
7 Lietuwa 299 36
6,587,025,658 66%
29,691,852 EP
8 Lietuvvaa 299 36
6,556,983,011 32%
59,734,499 EP
9 Lietuwa 299 35
6,545,297,975 19%
71,419,535 EP
10 Lietuwa 299 37
6,542,717,284 16%
74,000,226 EP
11 Exprosix 299 37
6,536,082,779 8%
80,634,731 EP
12 Exprosixa 299 2
6,536,082,779 8%
80,634,731 EP

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