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All players with 289 Level -
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Level 289: 5,694,036,960 EP
Total Found Players with level 289: 7 Player
Rank Name Level World Experience Next Level: 290
1 Calongadun 289 36
5,768,631,555 93%
5,036,455 EP
2 Javsorosz 289 32
5,762,868,330 86%
10,799,680 EP
3 Ramjons 289 11
5,762,211,736 85%
11,456,274 EP
4 Col 289 33
5,732,372,469 48%
41,295,541 EP
5 Mrjr 289 35
5,730,755,002 46%
42,913,008 EP
6 Mrjra 289 33
5,730,755,002 46%
42,913,008 EP
7 Fairy 289 33
5,703,334,830 11%
70,333,180 EP

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