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Akmalkingz -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 169
World 23
Guild: Love12
Rank: 37
Achievements: 0
Points: 319
656,406,387 EP 1% 15,586,623 EP
Left For Level
If Akmalkingz Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-13,128,128 -32,820,319 -65,640,639
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -13,128,128 -32,820,319

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2020-03-11 169 656,406,387 EP
+415,942 EP
2020-03-10 168 655,990,445 EP
+1,535,857 EP
2020-03-09 168 654,454,588 EP
+1,068,383 EP
2020-03-08 168 653,386,205 EP
+1,263,215 EP
2020-03-07 168 652,122,990 EP
+1,332,631 EP
2020-03-06 168 650,790,359 EP
+623,628 EP
2020-03-05 168 650,166,731 EP
+868,795 EP
2020-03-04 168 649,297,936 EP
+1,280,295 EP
2020-03-03 168 648,017,641 EP
+188,830 EP
2020-03-02 168 647,828,811 EP
+3,402,062 EP
2020-03-01 168 644,426,749 EP
+3,661,276 EP
2020-02-29 168 640,765,473 EP
+3,884,056 EP
2020-02-28 167 636,881,417 EP
+3,840,639 EP
2020-02-27 167 633,040,778 EP
+1,263,712 EP
2020-02-26 167 631,777,066 EP
+1,763,046 EP
2020-02-25 167 630,014,020 EP
+1,165,021 EP
2020-02-24 167 628,848,999 EP
+1,513,576 EP
2020-02-23 167 627,335,423 EP
+1,252,144 EP
2020-02-22 167 626,083,279 EP
+1,321,609 EP
2020-02-21 166 624,761,670 EP
+1,526,580 EP
2020-02-20 166 623,235,090 EP
+1,891,545 EP
2020-02-19 166 621,343,545 EP
+864,531 EP
2020-02-18 166 620,479,014 EP
+36,542 EP
2020-02-17 166 620,442,472 EP
+73,757 EP
2020-02-16 166 620,368,715 EP
+1,082,755 EP
2020-02-15 166 619,285,960 EP
+1,237,004 EP
2020-02-14 166 618,048,956 EP
+1,447,475 EP
2020-02-13 166 616,601,481 EP
+1,257,399 EP
2020-02-12 166 615,344,082 EP
+1,353,799 EP
2020-02-11 166 613,990,283 EP
+1,281,881 EP
2020-02-10 166 612,708,402 EP
+716,466 EP
2020-02-09 166 611,991,936 EP
+1,229,218 EP
2020-02-08 166 610,762,718 EP
+1,571,738 EP
2020-02-07 165 609,190,980 EP
+1,427,242 EP
2020-02-06 165 607,763,738 EP
+1,085,469 EP
2020-02-05 165 606,678,269 EP
0 EP
Total 36 Day(s): 49,728,118 EP

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