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Alexandeer -
Compare Alexandeer with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 5
Level 141
World 15
Guild: Deadlysinz
Rank: 20
Achievements: 0
Points: 300
321,126,190 EP 58% 3,762,720 EP
Left For Level
If Alexandeer Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-6,422,524 -16,056,310 -32,112,619
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -6,422,524 -16,056,310

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2024-03-26 141 321,126,190 EP
0 EP
2024-03-24 141 319,979,313 EP
+180,171 EP
2024-03-23 141 319,799,142 EP
+460,658 EP
2024-03-22 141 319,338,484 EP
+73,755 EP
2024-03-21 141 319,264,729 EP
+13,283 EP
2024-03-20 141 319,251,446 EP
+442,683 EP
2024-03-19 141 318,808,763 EP
+358,292 EP
2024-03-18 141 318,450,471 EP
+342,994 EP
2024-03-17 141 318,107,477 EP
+697,947 EP
2024-03-16 141 317,409,530 EP
+204,622 EP
2024-03-15 141 317,204,908 EP
+48,050 EP
2024-03-14 141 317,156,858 EP
+621,772 EP
2024-03-13 141 316,535,086 EP
+420,358 EP
2024-03-12 141 316,114,728 EP
+496,650 EP
2024-03-11 140 315,618,078 EP
+566,377 EP
2024-03-10 140 315,051,701 EP
+341,103 EP
2024-03-09 140 314,710,598 EP
+89,904 EP
2024-03-08 140 314,620,694 EP
+167,430 EP
2024-03-07 140 314,453,264 EP
+438,314 EP
2024-03-06 140 314,014,950 EP
+176,877 EP
2024-03-05 140 313,838,073 EP
+468,713 EP
2024-03-04 140 313,369,360 EP
+689,666 EP
2024-03-03 140 312,679,694 EP
+12,386 EP
2024-03-02 140 312,667,308 EP
+1,501,146 EP
2024-03-01 140 311,166,162 EP
+1,171,306 EP
2024-02-29 140 309,994,856 EP
+706,190 EP
2024-02-28 140 309,288,666 EP
+94,246 EP
2024-02-27 140 309,194,420 EP
+11,291 EP
2024-02-26 140 309,183,129 EP
+12,546 EP
2024-02-25 140 309,170,583 EP
+2,192 EP
2024-02-24 140 309,168,391 EP
0 EP
2024-02-23 140 309,168,391 EP
+19,927 EP
2024-02-22 140 309,148,464 EP
+13,232 EP
2024-02-21 140 309,135,232 EP
+36,735 EP
2024-02-20 140 309,098,497 EP
0 EP
2024-02-19 140 309,098,497 EP
+19,571 EP
2024-02-18 140 309,078,926 EP
+23,251 EP
2024-02-17 140 309,055,675 EP
0 EP
2024-02-16 140 309,055,675 EP
0 EP
2024-02-15 140 309,055,675 EP
0 EP
2024-02-14 140 309,055,675 EP
+8,865 EP
2024-02-13 140 309,046,810 EP
0 EP
2024-02-12 140 309,046,810 EP
+66,439 EP
2024-02-11 140 308,980,371 EP
+25,349 EP
2024-02-10 140 308,955,022 EP
+46,517 EP
2024-02-09 140 308,908,505 EP
0 EP
2024-02-08 140 308,908,505 EP
+13,691 EP
2024-02-07 140 308,894,814 EP
0 EP
2024-02-06 140 308,894,814 EP
+27,038 EP
2024-02-05 140 308,867,776 EP
+6,356 EP
2024-02-04 140 308,861,420 EP
+12,629 EP
2024-02-03 140 308,848,791 EP
+14,386 EP
2024-02-02 140 308,834,405 EP
+9,093 EP
2024-02-01 140 308,825,312 EP
+8,447 EP
2024-01-31 140 308,816,865 EP
+17,563 EP
2024-01-30 140 308,799,302 EP
+17,396 EP
2024-01-29 140 308,781,906 EP
+57,643 EP
2024-01-28 140 308,724,263 EP
+70,634 EP
2024-01-27 140 308,653,629 EP
+67,015 EP
2024-01-26 140 308,586,614 EP
0 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 11,392,699 EP

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