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Marleyy -
Compare Marleyy with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 197
World 9
Guild: Lost Lake
Rank: 17
Achievements: 0
Points: 280
1,229,106,692 EP 45% 13,622,498 EP
Left For Level
If Marleyy Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-24,582,134 -61,455,335 -122,910,669
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -24,582,134 -61,455,335

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2021-09-14 197 1,229,106,692 EP
+1,326,142 EP
2021-09-13 197 1,227,780,550 EP
+1,777,289 EP
2021-09-12 197 1,226,003,261 EP
0 EP
2021-07-08 193 1,128,955,903 EP
+15,599 EP
2021-07-07 193 1,128,940,304 EP
+1,149,015 EP
2021-07-06 193 1,127,791,289 EP
+1,148,396 EP
2021-07-05 193 1,126,642,893 EP
+1,151,106 EP
2021-07-04 193 1,125,491,787 EP
+1,126,993 EP
2021-07-03 193 1,124,364,794 EP
+4,368 EP
2021-07-02 193 1,124,360,426 EP
+79,795 EP
2021-07-01 193 1,124,280,631 EP
0 EP
2021-06-30 193 1,124,280,631 EP
+1,108,094 EP
2021-06-29 193 1,123,172,537 EP
+1,572,438 EP
2021-06-28 193 1,121,600,099 EP
+277,051 EP
2021-06-27 193 1,121,323,048 EP
+2,565,475 EP
2021-06-26 192 1,118,757,573 EP
+6,329,106 EP
2021-06-25 192 1,112,428,467 EP
+9,653,688 EP
2021-06-24 192 1,102,774,779 EP
+1,649,924 EP
2021-06-23 192 1,101,124,855 EP
+1,942,110 EP
2021-06-22 192 1,099,182,745 EP
+1,391,128 EP
2021-06-21 192 1,097,791,617 EP
+1,624,601 EP
2021-06-20 191 1,096,167,016 EP
+1,485,319 EP
2021-06-19 191 1,094,681,697 EP
+1,728,144 EP
2021-06-18 191 1,092,953,553 EP
+1,938,427 EP
2021-06-17 191 1,091,015,126 EP
+1,355,514 EP
2021-06-16 191 1,089,659,612 EP
+213,685 EP
2021-06-15 191 1,089,445,927 EP
+3,080,499 EP
2021-06-14 191 1,086,365,428 EP
+1,988,484 EP
2021-06-13 191 1,084,376,944 EP
+1,235,858 EP
2021-06-12 191 1,083,141,086 EP
+2,239,419 EP
2021-06-11 191 1,080,901,667 EP
+1,076,728 EP
2021-06-10 191 1,079,824,939 EP
+1,264,124 EP
2021-06-09 191 1,078,560,815 EP
+1,136,379 EP
2021-06-08 191 1,077,424,436 EP
+1,351,248 EP
2021-06-07 191 1,076,073,188 EP
+1,164,359 EP
2021-06-06 191 1,074,908,829 EP
+1,702,900 EP
2021-06-05 190 1,073,205,929 EP
+989,556 EP
2021-06-04 190 1,072,216,373 EP
+837,007 EP
2021-06-03 190 1,071,379,366 EP
+1,165,637 EP
2021-06-02 190 1,070,213,729 EP
+1,105,396 EP
2021-06-01 190 1,069,108,333 EP
+1,219,769 EP
2021-05-31 190 1,067,888,564 EP
+1,126,384 EP
2021-05-30 190 1,066,762,180 EP
+1,122,168 EP
2021-05-29 190 1,065,640,012 EP
0 EP
Total 44 Day(s): 66,419,322 EP

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