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Snex -
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PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 217
World 15
Guild: Deadlysinz
Rank: 20
Achievements: 0
Points: 362
1,802,499,064 EP 14% 28,714,026 EP
Left For Level
If Snex Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-36,049,981 -90,124,953 -180,249,906
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -36,049,981 -90,124,953

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-09-20 217 1,802,499,064 EP
0 EP
2023-09-19 217 1,802,499,064 EP
+1,467,535 EP
2023-09-18 217 1,801,031,529 EP
+1,000,843 EP
2023-09-17 217 1,800,030,686 EP
+1,781,945 EP
2023-09-16 217 1,798,248,741 EP
+2,141,443 EP
2023-09-15 216 1,796,107,298 EP
+2,446,538 EP
2023-09-14 216 1,793,660,760 EP
+2,485,095 EP
2023-09-13 216 1,791,175,665 EP
+2,367,132 EP
2023-09-12 216 1,788,808,533 EP
+2,451,440 EP
2023-09-11 216 1,786,357,093 EP
+2,437,818 EP
2023-09-10 216 1,783,919,275 EP
+1,992,414 EP
2023-09-09 216 1,781,926,861 EP
+2,136,288 EP
2023-09-08 216 1,779,790,573 EP
+2,467,525 EP
2023-09-07 216 1,777,323,048 EP
+2,434,136 EP
2023-09-06 216 1,774,888,912 EP
+2,416,488 EP
2023-09-05 216 1,772,472,424 EP
+2,443,909 EP
2023-09-04 216 1,770,028,515 EP
+2,436,382 EP
2023-09-03 216 1,767,592,133 EP
+2,018,510 EP
2023-09-02 216 1,765,573,623 EP
+2,163,847 EP
2023-09-01 215 1,763,409,776 EP
+2,265,401 EP
2023-08-31 215 1,761,144,375 EP
+2,128,470 EP
2023-08-30 215 1,759,015,905 EP
+2,135,880 EP
2023-08-29 215 1,756,880,025 EP
+2,044,430 EP
2023-08-28 215 1,754,835,595 EP
+2,276,717 EP
2023-08-27 215 1,752,558,878 EP
+2,012,075 EP
2023-08-26 215 1,750,546,803 EP
+2,035,351 EP
2023-08-25 215 1,748,511,452 EP
+2,443,696 EP
2023-08-24 215 1,746,067,756 EP
+2,484,501 EP
2023-08-23 215 1,743,583,255 EP
+2,308,533 EP
2023-08-22 215 1,741,274,722 EP
+2,561,874 EP
2023-08-21 215 1,738,712,848 EP
+3,000,937 EP
2023-08-20 215 1,735,711,911 EP
+2,923,243 EP
2023-08-19 215 1,732,788,668 EP
+2,980,602 EP
2023-08-18 214 1,729,808,066 EP
+3,412,867 EP
2023-08-17 214 1,726,395,199 EP
+1,434,644 EP
2023-08-16 214 1,724,960,555 EP
+3,300,265 EP
2023-08-15 214 1,721,660,290 EP
+3,108,893 EP
2023-08-14 214 1,718,551,397 EP
+3,239,827 EP
2023-08-13 214 1,715,311,570 EP
+538,213 EP
2023-08-12 214 1,714,773,357 EP
+3,192,609 EP
2023-08-11 214 1,711,580,748 EP
+3,330,163 EP
2023-08-10 214 1,708,250,585 EP
+3,225,436 EP
2023-08-09 214 1,705,025,149 EP
+3,220,583 EP
2023-08-08 214 1,701,804,566 EP
+3,126,196 EP
2023-08-07 213 1,698,678,370 EP
+3,225,627 EP
2023-08-06 213 1,695,452,743 EP
+879,077 EP
2023-08-05 213 1,694,573,666 EP
+404,482 EP
2023-08-04 213 1,694,169,184 EP
+3,365,192 EP
2023-08-03 213 1,690,803,992 EP
+3,216,657 EP
2023-08-02 213 1,687,587,335 EP
+2,824,028 EP
2023-08-01 213 1,684,763,307 EP
+3,238,775 EP
2023-07-31 213 1,681,524,532 EP
+3,271,890 EP
2023-07-30 213 1,678,252,642 EP
+2,779,033 EP
2023-07-29 213 1,675,473,609 EP
+2,942,742 EP
2023-07-28 213 1,672,530,867 EP
+3,274,230 EP
2023-07-27 213 1,669,256,637 EP
+2,443,312 EP
2023-07-26 212 1,666,813,325 EP
+2,789,596 EP
2023-07-25 212 1,664,023,729 EP
+2,555,063 EP
2023-07-24 212 1,661,468,666 EP
+2,499,790 EP
2023-07-23 212 1,658,968,876 EP
+2,412,071 EP
Total 60 Day(s): 145,942,259 EP

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