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Zryjgruz -
Compare Zryjgruz with:
PvP Rank: 0
Quota: 0
Level 193
World 32
Guild: Haoxiangni
Rank: 6
Achievements: 0
Points: 205
1,142,802,125 EP 92% 1,797,885 EP
Left For Level
If Zryjgruz Dies, Will Lose:
In Arena In Huntground (Premium) In Huntground (Free)
-22,856,043 -57,140,106 -114,280,213
Life Insurance
life insurance 100% life insurance 80% life insurance 50%
0 -22,856,043 -57,140,106

Date Level Experience Gained/Lost EXP
2023-08-12 193 1,142,802,125 EP
+1,956,797 EP
2023-08-11 193 1,140,845,328 EP
+2,215,908 EP
2023-08-10 193 1,138,629,420 EP
+2,193,301 EP
2023-08-09 193 1,136,436,119 EP
+2,636,343 EP
2023-08-08 193 1,133,799,776 EP
+2,519,272 EP
2023-08-07 193 1,131,280,504 EP
+2,907,685 EP
2023-08-06 193 1,128,372,819 EP
+2,085,144 EP
2023-08-05 193 1,126,287,675 EP
+2,201,869 EP
2023-08-04 193 1,124,085,806 EP
+1,923,437 EP
2023-08-03 193 1,122,162,369 EP
+2,351,488 EP
2023-08-02 192 1,119,810,881 EP
+2,212,304 EP
2023-08-01 192 1,117,598,577 EP
+2,222,833 EP
2023-07-31 192 1,115,375,744 EP
+1,960,127 EP
2023-07-30 192 1,113,415,617 EP
+23,251 EP
2023-07-29 192 1,113,392,366 EP
+161,053 EP
2023-07-28 192 1,113,231,313 EP
+39,324 EP
2023-07-27 192 1,113,191,989 EP
+1,823,981 EP
2023-07-26 192 1,111,368,008 EP
+2,810,226 EP
2023-07-25 192 1,108,557,782 EP
+2,678,673 EP
2023-07-24 192 1,105,879,109 EP
+2,245,083 EP
2023-07-23 192 1,103,634,026 EP
+1,960,337 EP
2023-07-22 192 1,101,673,689 EP
+145,360 EP
2023-07-21 192 1,101,528,329 EP
+471,142 EP
2023-07-20 192 1,101,057,187 EP
+486,194 EP
2023-07-19 192 1,100,570,993 EP
+501,442 EP
2023-07-18 192 1,100,069,551 EP
+470,452 EP
2023-07-17 192 1,099,599,099 EP
0 EP
Total 27 Day(s): 43,203,026 EP

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